Some obvious examples
- the holodeck gets a fatal software error and people are stuck in a classic novel
- a shuttle breaks down and crashes into a habitable planet
- the federation loses a space battle, but thankfully there’s some space jungle (nebula, asteroid field, etc) to hide out in, thankfully within sub light distances
Tucker actually got pregnant so Kirk wasn’t that much of a Horndog.
Oh shit, I forgot about that lol! Every ship has it’s sex pest, but Kirk was the most prominent and overt womanizer imo. In one episode he keeps making out with an adult woman with the mind of an 8 year old.
I didn’t remember that! Seems dodgy to me.
Yeah, it’s the one where they get abducted and forced to fight for the entertainment of some brains in a jar.
CW:SA At one point they convince you that Uhura is beingremovedd, but after enough protest the barbarian guy backs off. Kirks makeout sesh is framed as something that helps the child mind lady to become self aware and being to grow. It’s a weird episode.
Oh yeah, I have a vague memory of that. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen tos.