I wasn’t prepared for the antisemitism and wild anthropology takes. One of them even says they agree with Marx with work under capitalism causing alienation, and that if the right understood that the left would go away (?)
just nazi shit
14 year olds who think they’re roman gladiators in a former life
44 year old fascists who think they’re going to be death camp guards when Trump decides to do the racial holy war
Unironically the right-wing version of “what’s your job on the leftist commune?”
And we’re the lazy ones?
The left are lazy because they don’t want to work jobs that exploit them unlike good honest Christians who will die for their boss.
: “Oh? The left DOES? Sorry kiddo, I’m not hiring. And I made education a luxury so you can forget about getting your PhD to qualify for this dishwashing position. Hey, why not start your own business if you don’t like it?”
IQ is obviously bullshit, so why wouldn’t you lie a bit more? No one’s impressed with 105
Thinking that the slave/master ratio would be 40/60 is really funny.
Please tell me he’s being ironic.
Like I recently found out I’m double exceptional, literally proof that a higher IQ is not the full story (not that I think I am inferior for my neurodiversity, just that I’m still a fallible human despite brain doing the good think sometimes.) So should I be treated like a princess too?
I wouldn’t be surprised if he took one of those free online tests that give everyone literate 140
Me and the pals watching this “Roman slaveowner” with 105 IQ fail to maintain his crops during our yearly seccessio plebis
White Chuds: Yeah unlike the uncivilized brown people, us whites are truly an enlightened race.
Also White Chuds: So anyway anyone who’s ever disagreed with me that Kasumi from Dead Or Alive’s boobies are too big is going to the slave pit when Dylann Roof is president of Greater Cascadia.
White people providing their race was the lazy one this whole time.
Think of literally EVERY single negative stereotype about any ethnic minority, not only is it white people telling on themselves, but somehow those traits take on an admirable sheen when white people are guilty.
Here’s an example, think of any antisemitic trope. WASPs are actually guilty of all of them and think those traits are desirable.
Not quite the same but a lot of overlap: the joke about getting handouts from the government is trashy if you’re poor but suave and smart if you’re rich.
Clearing dead branches and pulling garlic mustard was alright as a kid. Shame these chuds never learned the joy in doing some productive tasks for yourself.