There’s no denying, a fist in the air looks always better than a roman salute
Also you are paying homage to Italian traditions
All my posts represent my employer
There’s no denying, a fist in the air looks always better than a roman salute
Also you are paying homage to Italian traditions
I almost sent this to a girl I’m talking to
Then I decided to at least wait for her favorite artist
Watch them say that this was only a political play from Netanyahu to gain support from Trump
Like Biden didn’t pay for the whole genocide so far without asking for anything in return
I hate to say this but realpolitik is realpolitik, extremely critical support to Trump
Wood furniture is clearly always worth the weight
Those quotation marks are doing work
Honest Joe
After perusing the red note you should peruse the little red book
That was the gas lines
We know what the Italians did to Mussolini
I wouldn’t be surprised if he took one of those free online tests that give everyone literate 140
You can’t argue with these people with facts, the only way I’ve found to change their mind has been to find something they already agree with deep down
I’ve had some success with arguing for the nationalization of the privatized electrical network, especially in the middle of winter when the electricity prices peak
And don’t bring ideology or politics into the discussion, just ask why we should have a middleman for basic infrastructure
One of the few times eminent domain would be the moral choice
Give those houses to the incarcerated firefighters and the homeless
Why would they make them look so cool and sexy?
Props for the enby visibility with the AI trans Mario
IQ is obviously bullshit, so why wouldn’t you lie a bit more? No one’s impressed with 105
remember that you can always replace “U.S. mercenaries” with “U.S. state department”
now this is a good leftist meme
Not really, but I don’t mind pissing off people I don’t like and I’m not going to protest if it’s caused by jealousy