I cannot repost what Flying Squid was posting here, because it involved highly disturbing and dangerous content, including:
Content Warning
Graphic content, harassment, self-harm, and suicidal ideation, which I reported immediately.
While this behavior is shocking, it’s not completely out of left field, as members of this community and platform will already be familiar with their behavior. Flying Squid has long been regarded as one of the least productive and most problematic mods on all of Lemmy, often picking fights and abusing their mod privileges. I view this change as a positive step for Squid, .world, and Lemmy as a whole.
Looked up the modlogs. What the actual fuck.
That said, this whole episode and the comment deletions with the “we can’t share this” reasons kinda show how Lemmy is better than Reddit in that modlogs are public.
I find it great that mods can’t outright delete stuff, only hide it. It lets them do the job of cleaning up convos of spam and trolls without the unchecked power aspect to it.
Am I crazy or is the modlog missing heaps?
I control-f for the ‘I to complain?’ part of the post above and don’t see anything. Just trying to follow the argument is confusing as hell? It sounds like someone doxxed FS, and he got suicidal over it? I hope gets some help if he’s seriously feeling like that.
Yeah, admins can purge stuff from the mod log. That comment seems to be completely gone.
that comment specifically was a link to a graphic image, so yes the admins certainly purged that. cc @Deceptichum@quokk.au
Ah interesting, I’m curious as to what it was now.
i saw it XD here let me telepathy it to you bzzzzzt
Wow that’s fucked up, was the zebra consenting?
It’s not really a black or white issue.
People over at .world def purged stuff from mod log regarding me. Granted I wasn’t suicidal, so not very important, but they still purged some stuff. They definitely wanted to paint a particular narrative of me.
They say they banned me for abusive PM’s. But I haven’t seen any evidence of those PM’s or what they considered “abusive.” Even after I asked them to publish these “abusive emails” for everyone to see.
So yeah, they definitely can make up shit on their own over there.
Having said that, sounds like both people involved in this interchange need help. Why the fuck do people take shit on Lemmy so seriously?!
We all believe you, monk
🙄Some things are true whether you believe them or not.
If you ever find proof of “harassing” DM’s that I sent, please post for us all to see. Because that was the supposed reason for my banning and when I ask about it, all I get is “That’s private, we don’t share private information.”
Seems easy enough to block out the “private” part and show screencaps of what I said that would be deemed “harassing.” tho.
Face it, the reason I was banned was because people thought I was a troll because I didn’t vote for the Biden/Harris train and voted socialist. Now it’s ok to bitch about Biden/Harris. And in fact, lots do now. But 3 months ago, it was viewed differently.
Feel free to take a look: https://lemmyusa.com/post/sh.itjust.works/26969318
Still proud of what I did and what I said. And very very happy that I didn’t vote for Harris in the election. :)
And the banning did nothing, I just switched to better and less censorship-happy instances. So all good.
And people are still trying to ban me from other instances. LMAO But it didn’t work: https://sh.itjust.works/post/31017252
Thanks, friend! Proof that people are still trying as of just last week (it failed and the admins in question rightly stood up for me and refused to bow down to the witchhunt):
I know who you are, monk. Ive interacted with you before. I don’t care what you have to say, to be frank. You’re a troll and you know it.
I don’t care what you have to say, to be frank
I know. Glad you admitted it rather than imply that I was lying.
You’re a troll and you know it.
Nope. Posting things you don’t like doesn’t make me a troll. And I’m still glad I voted third-party. Funny how lots more are advocating for third-party now, huh? When I did it, I was accused of being a troll. Hmmm, my my my, how things change once the truth comes out.
I’m still here, no matter how much you all tried to censor me. Because the fediverse is awesome and celebrates diversity of thought.
And I hope that the squid guy in question, who I don’t agree with most of the time, realizes that Lemmy shouldn’t be taken so seriously. Hopefully, he steps back a bit and heals.
Thanks, friend! :)
The modlog, as far as I can tell, gets sorted in the same order as user profiles do, by default. Which is to say “here’s some recent stuff okay let’s skip over some stuff hey here’s some random stuff from two months ago that’s pretty good right? I have been drinking FYI.”
I could be wrong about this. I definitely feel like I have seen it be missing stuff even without mod purges though. Searching for the specific community or specific user / moderator you’re looking for is usually pretty reliable, as long as there aren’t pages and pages of results, then the same issue seems like it might occur.
Both of them are fucking insane. To devote this much energy to weirdos on the internet is deranged. They both need to devote their energy to better things, as evidenced by the fact that I had to press “show context” on their comment thread so many times I lost patience. I thought everyone on Lemmy was better than this. I dont care what the original cause of the disagreement was at this rate because EVERY step of the way, one of them couldve turned on do not disturb or gone to an alt account or SOMETHING. If either of you are seeing this, you can do better. Flying Squid specifically? Threatening suicide is the number one way to look immature (of every kind), especially over a stranger on the internet. Do. Better.
Edit: If someone could give a kind description of what the drama was even all about, I’d appreciate it. I can’t bear to dig through either of their histories.
And the sick thing is we have been CALLING THIS GUY OUT FOREVER. The .world admins are ABSOLUTELY partially at fault for this for letting this user have the power they have had for so fucking long. Sorry for shouting I’m upsetti. 🙃
+1 to your edit though. The content was so vile and triggering, I was not up to the task. So, fair warning to anyone who wants to further investigate a case where every party is so obviously in the wrong. Tread carefully.
The mods aren’t the only ones at fault either. He got so much support for this insanity. Call out his BS? Get asked for evidence. Provide text book evidence and it isn’t enough. Be clearly in the right from a PTB and downvoted 10:1. The one time he’s not technically being a PTB, but rather exhibiting symptoms of manic-depression, and people defend him saying ‘this post isn’t appropriate’ when the history makes it absolutely so. All you upvoting MFs in the past have been cheering a clearly insane person, so maybe do a personal inventory of what seems rational to you and double check reality eh?
I’d be cheering for his removal except he’s still mod of a few communities I’d like to participate in. L.W admins need to delete all his content and ban the IP address. I for one can’t wait to never see that name on Lemmy ever again and I know I’m not alone.
I’m not a fan of his moderation style, but isn’t the last paragraph a bit much?
It’d only be enforcing what probably is going to happen voluntarily anyways. My guess is it will be months before he uses the account again because he’ll want the drama of ‘did he do it?’ to play out. (edit: turns out he could only wait 24hr, guess he is less patient than I assumed)
If I thought it wasn’t too much I wouldn’t have said it, and you saying it is literally supports the first paragraph (edit: which makes it a hilarious joke if that was your intention). He shouldn’t be on Lemmy. The damage he’s done over time is incalculable and what good would come of letting him back on? Besides it’s not like even that could stop him anyways.
I agree he shouldn’t be moderating any community. But IP banning him from the whole site seems too much.
It’d only be enforcing what probably is going to happen voluntarily anyways.
What the fuck? What is this comment?
I definitely think, at this point, that there is a little cabal of people who are devoted to harassing FlyingSquid, not just about his moderation but on a personal level, and they aren’t stopping even when it sounds like he is clearly mentally struggling right now. That’s fucked up. Don’t do that.
You said “call out his BS, get asked for evidence, show evidence, it isn’t enough” along with a lot of personal attacks towards FlyingSquid. What is your evidence of him being a PTB? Literally the only thing I have seen after asking this question a few times is that he sometimes argues with people, and a few months ago made a mistake on a report and didn’t realize that multiple copies of the same message were all different reports about duplicated spam content, IDK, some weird honest-mistake situation like that. And he’s rude to people sometimes. Nothing about banning people unnecessarily, or setting arbitrary rules for content removal, or anything like that, which is normally what I think of as PTB. Not “arguing.”
What is your evidence for him being a PTB? I promise, it’ll be “enough,” I’ll take it seriously if there is any.
I definitely think, at this point, that there is a little cabal of people who are devoted to harassing
Definitely. I haven’t seen evidence (though I might be wrong) that it’s any more than one user with a bunch of discuss.online alts. One of their alts DMd me immediately after Squid’s removal saying “you’re welcome” as though I am thankful for harassment just because I don’t like the guy. Honestly I hope this user doing the harassment gets IP banned. Imagine taking pride in provoking someone’s mental health. Freakish.
Thanks for pointing this out
What is your evidence of him being a PTB?
For what it’s worth, I just had a look at !yepowertrippinbastards@lemmy.dbzer0.com and couldn’t find any documented example of actual power tripping naming him. Maybe the posts about him didn’t use his nickname. Maybe there was nothing about him in the first place. Definitely not a clear case.
Edit: https://lemmy.world/modlog?page=1&actionType=ModBanFromCommunity&userId=580006, see other comment
I’ve directly asked a few different people who claimed he was a PTB what it was that he did, and it’s always some kind of bizarrely hyped-up misdemeanor. Every time. Not even “he banned this person who arguably wasn’t actually a troll, but it’s a gray area” but literally like “he sent this person a rude comment while they were in an argument OH THE HUMANITY.” It’s actually always the same two or three examples from four to six months ago. And they’re always incredibly vocal and emotional about how terrible he is.
I’m not trying to get involved in lemmy.world moderator drama. I haven’t even looked into this latest thing with him posting self-harm things. But I’ve formed a much more firm opinion, just as of today, that there is some kind of organized effort to drum him out of being a moderator, which seems to be succeeding.
Update: some pointed pointed about the ban from this user 5 months ago: https://lemmy.world/modlog?page=1&actionType=ModBanFromCommunity&userId=580006
I don’t have much more context unfortunately
What, return2ozma, the precursor to UniversalMonk? That’s the PTB is that FlyingSquid banned him?
He’s calmed down recently, but he used to be pretty spammy and unapologetic about it. He was finally banned “officially” because he basically said that he was seeking out specifically anti-Biden stuff and posting a steady stream of it to make sure that side of the story got some heavy airtime on Lemmy, as if there was a shortage of it. I’m not convinced that that should be the final straw in terms of handing someone a ban, but there was broad agreement from the mod team that he should be banned.
It also, as far as I can tell, wasn’t FlyingSquid that banned him. Unless it was from an alt used for admin, or something?
Edit: Update: Here’s all the actions that FS took against return2ozma. Looks pretty legit to me.
I already talked about that one, and found your explanation for why that was a horrible thing for him to say pretty unconvincing, but sure, I’ll look into it more. Who was he talking to? Where was this so I can see the comments context? I already gave my reaction but maybe if I looked at the full context, I would feel differently, and it’s so old a comment that it’s not on my instance and obviously I’m not going to look through 4+ months of comments to find it and see the context for myself.
I’m fine with looking at this stuff. It seems FS is having a mental health episode, and this is the result. It’s not drama.
deleted by creator
BPD as in bipolar or borderline
Edit: lol why the downvotes? Honest question 🙄
deleted by creator
The acronym for Bipolar is BPAD, Bipolar Affective Disorder.
it must be tiring for an entire community to hate you
Only if you take it seriously. I’ve had entire threads/posts started just to try to get the fediverse to ban me. But sounds like Squid was taking it way too seriously. He needs help. I personally laugh it off–but then plenty accuse me of being mentally ill. So ya can never really tell.
Removed by mod
I’m not celebrating, the guy is threatening suicide, and posting pictures of it. He needs to get off the Internet and seek help immediately.
I’ve messaged @lwreport@lemmy.world about it, I suggest you all do the same.
Yes (Content Warning)
Unfortunately, this type of behavior, including threats of self-harm, is not uncommon on the internet and can sometimes be used as an emotional manipulation tactic. However, discussions of suicidal ideation are very sensitive and can be harmful if not handled carefully. Let’s focus on reporting this to the moderators while remaining careful and sensitive in how we address this topic.
What is the point of this post, when there’s no actual details as to what was posted? The key images seem to have been deleted off server, and without that it’s extremely difficult to pick up the context.
The modlog shows the conversation. The person in question seems to have a breakdown and offers to commit suicide on stream for someone who they claim want them dead.
Because of the content of the offending material it’s really hard to put the full info in a post without breaking terms of service. You are welcome to make your own post if you feel you can do better! :)
No, I have no idea what the context is. Hence my comment, because this is all drama without any info.
But they didn’t act in moderation but as a user so the only actual mod action here is Jordan and it’s justified to remove that comment chain.
Exactly. And while FS may have been a PTB in general, this isn’t really an example of it, it’s just sad.
edit: replied to wrong comment original conversation here
Because he’d been reported on here previously? Ok, I kind of get what you are saying, but it also feels a bit like rubbing salt in his wounds when he’s obviously having a hard time. But it’s just my sentimental opinion and I won’t say you’re wrong either lol.
you know what you changed my perspective. im gonna edit the title at least you are absolutely right i am being a little salt rubby here.
arr we’re all a bit salty sometimes :p
If this post was about Flying Squid banning you then I’d get the relevance to this community. Otherwise it’s just drama imo.
There are enough posts complaining about FlyingSquid moderation here for this one to be relevant
Edit: actually, couldn’t find any actual report about power tripping from FlyingSquid, so if anyone has anything, feel free to share
i disagree personally i think this post certainly falls under “bans or other sanctions from mods” as outlined in the sidebar
Who was power tripping in this example?
oops i wrote that comment in the wrong text box. copy pasting here:
your position is valid in that this is technically not an example of active power tripping. i personally think this community is more valuable as a historical resource with this kind of follow up content but i won’t say your opinion is wrong.
Im on Lemmy far more than I’d like to admit. Im always so confused when I see Squid hate. Ive never seen him say anything that’s not equal to what the other person is saying.
I can’t even see this “episode”.
I think there are people that take it waaaay too seriously when they see someone else is a mod. Mods are just you and me, but they have a more active role in whatever community. You can be a mod anytime you’d like. Simply create a community and voila! You are now a hated person.
Ive been banned from multiple places and couldn’t care any less about who banned me, or who the mods are. Grow up and chill out.
Anywhoo that’s my 2 crumbs. Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!
Im on Lemmy far more than I’d like to admit.
My friend, I’m with you. And I actually get called troll and a bot, because “no one could be on Lemmy that much!!” Um what? I get accused of being a bot and I don’t think I’m even on a lot. lol
Ive been banned from multiple places and couldn’t care any less about who banned me, or who the mods are. Grow up and chill out.
100 percent this.
Unless someone is posting something illegal, advocating violence/threats, or is doxxing, I think ANY and ALL bans are lame and come from power-hungry losers.
If this was in the thread about unsettling facts he was explaining his pain condition which actually is referred to a suicide disease. Given the outrage some people have against him I imagine some people saw the opportunity to harass him about it.
May I have a link to the modlog?
Filter by user, then you can search within that.
why is it not there anymore?
Yeah that’s a bit concerning, the modlog has been tampered with so much.
This is certainly mod/admin overreach. I’d say it could almost be its own post.
they still moderate the following communities
Removed by mod
jordanlund is still around who is like squid’s slightly less chaotic yet just as unproductive twin. i will certainly be sticking to !world@quokk.au for now.
I can second !world@quokk.au along with !usa@ponder.cat and !politics@sh.itjust.works, and !technology@lemmy.zip.
I never understood the beef with FlyingSquid. Every time I heard this hue and cry about how he was abusing his powers, I asked for details, and it turned out the details were that he sent one rude message to one user, months ago, or that he liked to argue with people. Whatever. If he’s now in a bad place I hope he gets some help. Life is fragile.
Jordan is too nice, and too much pretend-objective behind a supposedly objective set of rules, in my opinion. He tends to allow clearly toxic people and behavior, as exemplified by you-know-who, as long as they are careful not to violate any of the written rules more than twice or three times a week. There’s nothing wrong with being nice but in some positions of authority it can wind up getting abused.
Jeffw is great. To me the epitome of his style as far as I can tell was when people starting complaining about the fact check bot, and he said “Oh, you don’t like it? We’ll remove it then.” Why it was ever some kind of more complex other operation besides that, everywhere else, is why I no longer chill with lemmy.world.
I have mostly moved on from the LW communities and I would recommend that you do the same, so I care very little about all of this, just tossing in my opinion in passing.
Edit: Removed the suspect instance, replaced it with blatant shameless self-promotion.
I never understood the beef with FlyingSquid. Every time I heard this hue and cry about how he was abusing his powers, I asked for details, and it turned out the details were that he sent one rude message to one user, months ago, or that he liked to argue with people. Whatever. If he’s now in a bad place I hope he gets some help. Life is fragile.
Exactly this.
I can second !world@quokk.au along with !usa@midwest.social and !politics@sh.itjust.works, and !technology@lemmy.zip.
Good choices, but Midwest.social admin is known for power tripping: https://feddit.org/post/5548029?scrollToComments=true
Are you aware of any other community for US news?
Honestly, I’m not. Yeah, midwest.social is weird. Just a little bit. I hesitated putting it up there.
It’s frustrating to me that there is no really good community for non-political US News. !news@lemmy.world I have 0 complaints about, but it’s lemmy.world, !usnews@beehaw.org is a little quiet and also defederated from lemmy.world which in my opinion isn’t ideal, and yes, midwest.social is a little bit odd.
You know what? Fuck it.
Let’s see if that is useful.
I’m open to suggestions, as far as whether it should be only non-political news, and political news should go into one of the already existing multiple good places for it.
I feel like a lot of the interesting news that is going to happen over the next few years is going to be political, though.
Added a link to the !world@quokk.au sidebar and subscribed! Let me know if you ever need any help moderating, not that much ever happens.
You know what? Fuck it.
Let’s see if that is useful.
Nice, feel free to promote it on !AskUSA@discuss.online
I guess a promotion post on !world@quokk.au would also help
thx for sharing
Jordan is too nice, and too much pretend-objective behind a supposedly objective set of rules, in my opinion.
He still has to come back about an arbitrary decision about Canada government terminology that the majority of Canadians users consulted refuted: https://feddit.org/post/5761475/4078668
That’s an example of what I mean about the fake objectivity. It’s hard to explain exactly, but he shows sometimes a sort of defaulting to some kind of “officialness” or higher authority that’s figuring everything out, that he speaks on behalf of, that doesn’t actually exist.
It’s okay to just be a person, and use judgement, and be wrong sometimes. People will respect your authority more, not less, if you do it that way.
I’m not trying to bash the guy, I slightly bad even about talking about the topic. I think he’s doing some hard work at an important role for keeping everything functioning. I do disagree with his judgement in some areas of moderation, though, and I think when you sign up to take forcible control over some area of people’s experience, you also sign up for having your judgement talked about even if it’s not complimentary to you.
his ban for “bad faith” against return2ozma was ridiculous.
And their lack of understanding their comms rules.
Or they add rules specifically to target single users then ignore it for others, like the # of posts per day rule
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ok you are almost certainly an alt of the other user blured in the screenshot. you sent me a DM saying “you’re welcome” about squid.
i hope you see this even though your account was banned: fuck off with that dude. don’t fucking harrass people. you are as much at fault here as squid.
Removed by mod
Okay I tried to go through the modlog and the comment screenshot that you censored is removed from the modlog?!? How the fuck in censorship that bad on this platform. I might as well use tiktok
If you read further down it is discussed why it was removed.
Removed from the mod log tho? I don’t see anywhere explaining that
Ah I see, thanks
Why don’t the Redditor stay there.
i’m saying like-
Fuck yeah 🤘