I pointed out the dishonest outright lies a post was making and rustled some jimmies.
Any day I rustle the jimmies of tankies is a good day.
The rest of the modlog was pretty entertaining too.
love how even that thread is mostly about how OP is a moron, a troll and a genocide denier to boot
of course their only response has been to call center right liberals a bunch of tankies
Do you think those libs will reflect on this experience and realize that tankie is a meaningless term?
Given that their definition of “tankie” ultimately boils down to “supports AES,” not likely. It’s not a coincidence that many MWoG regulars are also NCD regulars, they have the Thatcherite “there is no alternative” stamped on their foreheads. All “leftism” is aesthetics for them so they can feel good about ultimately siding with the US but wagging their fingers.
lmao no
I am less pessimistic than others here, maybe one or two will
extremely funny they ran to that comm to proudly show off their ban only to have that comm also immediately dunk on them lol
They’re sending their best and we’re sending them back with their asses up their asses
You know the guy in that post is right though, protest voting is not a way to get what we want.
Hey to change the topic entirely how’s the Gazan genocide going, any new developments?
They still think biden finally did that
“They goaded me into admitting my genuine belief that it’s important to vote for Hitler after he says ‘If I win I intend to continue the Holocaust.’”
Damn really? What a poor victim you are.
Meh. If you don’t have the freedom to be an asshole on the internet, what’s the point? Lol.
Real pillar of the community here.
Really sums of a majority of the ones complaining about bans
Posting Ls is a surefire way to garner sympathy
Rustling jimmies?
This user must be older than I am. And I’m pretty fuckin old here, comparatively.