This work of Mel Gibson shows the highest degree of classical romance I have seen in a film, man fighting for freedom in a world where all you have to do is what you think is right. It’s so pure, so beautiful and melodic while being a great medieval war epic that has tons of action and violence and the one scene of nudity for some reason haha!
I really enjoyed it and seeing this film against something that prides itself on being bombastic like the recent Gladiator movie which I have only seen the trailer of, plus the numerous generic action movies just yells to me that they don’t make films like this anymore. By “this”, I mean one that doesn’t embrace it’s ultraviolence or it’s ridiculous plot but one that embraces it’s grounds of romance and just siding with the good in a battle against evil. I would love to know what you guys think and that if i’m just mistake and haven’t seen more films
Would love some recommendations as well that are like Braveheart
I enjoy any movie where the English are defeated
I would recommend Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, it hits the sort of romantic good versus evil sort of film. It’s also a total banger.
Thanks! Isn’t it a comedy as well?
Yes! It’s a sort of action-adventure comedy (kinda like the Mummy but a bit more serious, that’s the closest analog I can think of). I think it’s a genuinely it’s a stand-up film. It’s also got Alan Rickman and Morgan Freemen doing their thing in it. The cast is surprisingly stacked.
Sounds really cool, I’ll give it a look
Every actor has mud on their face but perfectly white teeth! Also in one of the battles, two extras in the far background can be seen getting sluggish and fake swinging at each other and then kind of shrugging. It’s rather funny.
I spotted those extras! My reaction was “eh, it’s a big movie”
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Braveheart has an awesome soundtrack, and I regularly hum it’s main leitmotif.
Unironically the original Gladiator from 2000 has the same vibe for me.
I also keep wondering how Braveheart didn’t win Best Original Score lol
James Horner also did the Apollo 13 soundtrack, which competed with Braveheart soundtrack that year. Dude was snubbed twice for the same award in the same year!
I have never seen the original Gladiator, except for brief scenes on TV. Maybe it’s time to change that
Whatever you do - avoid Gladiator 2. An example is that the Romans had mock naval battles in the Coliseum. Showing that might have been awesome but I bailed on the movie once they added CGI sharks.
I can’t make it through Braveheart anymore because the historical inaccuracies just pile up every time I watch it. How the fuck do you not have a bridge in the battle named after a bridge where the battle took place? Gibson being a giant chud doesn’t help the movie, either. Still amazes me how he lit his career on fire.
It’s an action/war movie, it’s fun
This is a great movie, I recently watched it and the emotions are still there.