a drawing of a person wearing a balaclava and holding a gun with the text “all my homies hate tankies” :3

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    Deeply unserious people. I like this comment:

    Ugh this type of bullshit infighting within leftist spaces is about as serious as debating your tabletop RPG actions, and sends regular people packing. None of this shit matters. Real people don’t care about it and they have no idea what a tankie is. Feds love this bullshit. We’re losing, we lost, the world is becoming a fascist hellscape but apparently somebody has time to make memes about fighting each other. It’s amazing how that always seems to happen, especially now when you’d think most people could feel unified?

    And it got the reply “Calling tankies leftists is a stretch”

    spongebob-i-fucking-love you have literally 0 reading comprehension. No one in the real world knows wtf you’re talking about. “Calling tankies leftists is a stretch” calling people whose entire political identity boils down to which factions they play in Paradox games leftists is a stretch. And yes, that probably applies to a lot of “tankies” or whatever who wanna LARP as NKVD guards, but it definitely extra extra applies to the people trying to reenact the Spanish civil war or whatever. Log tf out. Get real.

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 month ago
      angry rant

      And I swear, if it wasn’t for the very awesome people on Hexbear especially in the trans mega who have these kinds of cute cartoon avatars, blahaj, all the anime stuff etc I would have like a 100% hitrate for assuming that that subculture (apologies if this reads as pointing at trans communities, in my estimation there’s definitely way more cis chasers in these communities than trans people) is just full of people who never log out and perceive all political struggle as a process in which two online communities beef with each other over which pieces of content are problematic, which aesthetic cultural references are acceptable to make, and what memespeak is based or cringe. There is simply no connection to the real world. Never any mention of organizing, solidarity, hell they never even talk about mutual aid which I KNOW that actual anarchist comrades do all the time. I almost feel like the only reason these types love to claim the anarchist label is that they know anarchist communities are less centralized so it’s harder to catch on to the fat load of nothing they’re doing. Yeah, I go to a horizontal organization, but she goes to another school and you can’t see her.

    • Nakoichi [they/them]@hexbear.net
      1 month ago

      They frequently call anarchists who are unsupportive of the US state department line on practically anything tankies.

      Deeply unserious people that unfortunately do not only exist online.

      The meme is well designed, love the chaos star especially and love to see more balaclava girlies. And I can sympathize as I’ve certainly encountered very bizarre takes by terminally online internet leftists in favor of weird shit like being in favor of the Ukraine invasion or thinking the DPRK is some secret paradise.

      However, by and large I’ve gotten to the point where anytime I hear the term ‘tankie’ thrown around it feels thought terminating. I’ve been called a tankie for being opposed to the US invading North Korea, or for supporting indigenous land return. But here’s a bigger problem I’ve encountered: I volunteer every week at a local free store run by anarchists and I also have done organizing work with local ML parties. Anytime the local MLs want to get involved in the free store, or collaborating on any mutual aid projects the Anarchists have going on its cold shoulders all around “Oh no, those people are Tankies. We can’t trust them.” It’s gotten to the point where everything is separate and there’s no talking to each other. One time a Communist party member mentioned they knew someone who could do free glasses repair and thought it would be good for them to come to the free store, and when I brought it up folks just didn’t wanna hear it or criticized “the company I keep” as if that would taint them. It’s just disheartening because all these MLs locally are almost all LGBTQ, poor/working class, disabled, etc. Just like the Anarchists and want a lot of the same things. I really think anti-communist propaganda has created such an unnecessary divide in our organizing. I’m not asking folks to all just get along and agree, I want different orgs to have their autonomy and own ways of thought. I would just want people to focus their ire on people who ACTUALLY make life shit for us, especially here in the west, which is our own capitalist state and the capitalist class.

      Thank you for indulging me by reading my long silly comment.

      I have encountered this sort of thing as well in my grass touching endeavors, and it is really disheartening.

      • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]@hexbear.net
        1 month ago

        I have encountered this sort of thing as well in my grass touching endeavors, and it is really disheartening.

        There aren’t enough emojis to express my pain

        I see infighting as a symptom of (a) we are losing badly or (b) everybody is waaaay too comfortable. If it’s particularly bad I’ll remind everybody that the fucking liberals restored democracy to Spain. Infighting is wrecker behavior, at best, whether they mean it intentionally or not. At worst they’re fedposting It reminds me of a toxic strain of Christians that justify their shitty behavior because Augustine or Luther wrote a vague sentence.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]@hexbear.net
          1 month ago

          The non centralized non hierarchy thing goes so far in my town that it’s basically anarchists and their particular friends doing basically diy charity work without the resources of larger orgs doing the same because they’re government funded or whatever or just volunteering for ngos or doing community gardens. They don’t really do anything more radical than a church group but really gotta do the aesthetics of radicalism so people know where the innefecutal and inconsistent aide comes from. The idea of doing anything more than that until Critical Mass happens and then a general strike solves everything is offensive and authoritarian.

          • T34_69 [none/use name]@hexbear.net
            1 month ago

            Also the general strikers will snap into a focused understanding of prefigurative revolution without substantial political education or a coherent line beyond anti-capitalism and “hierarchy is always bad and wielding authority makes you immediately and irrevocably evil”

            No party organizing or preparatory groundwork necessary!

            International Longshoremens Association: we’re on strike but we’ll keep shipping military stuff for the empire because we’re the “I LOVE AMERICA” Union!


            • GalaxyBrain [they/them]@hexbear.net
              1 month ago

              I does accomplish doing just enough to make yourself feel good while spinning the same low stakes wheel cause deep down you’re fucking terrified of what will happen if you take the next step and you’re terrified because you don’t believe in seeking the associative power to not make yourself incredibly vulnerable should you do anything even somewhat more radical than food not bombs. You got crushed by the police state and get to lick your wounds and do the same thing again and feel like you’re ungovernable for it, you keep restarting from scratch cause you are governable. It’s a fantastic self defeating cycle to burn out of.

          • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]@hexbear.net
            1 month ago

            While I understand this sentiment, there’s several key issues for why Anarchism in my (rural) neck of the woods is the practical organization.

            1. There aren’t any communist or other organized non-Anarchist leftists for hundreds of miles. Sadly socialist/communist/ML orgs are typically found in larger cities, but not in the rural and smaller towns. It’s the classic Marxist Town/Country divide at work, including suspicions and outright hostility towards Big Cities and their organizations. Anarchists take this seriously and build what we can with what we have, including strict operation security, because…
            2. We’re surrounded by several local and national armed right wing militias and their sympathizers, which make openly organizing dangerous. We are outnumbered by orders of magnitude. We all keep a low profile otherwise we could be shot from fanatics, to say nothing about the cops. This is enabled by…
            3. Reactionary liberals that don’t take #2 seriously. Even the small local unions are deeply liberal and reject open leftists of all stripes.
            4. While we are decentralized and work locally, we also affiliate with other Anarchist groups. Unlike #1, I know two Anarchist orgs locally and several within a short drive. It’s incredibly easy to build up a small Anarchist group from what you have than organizing along more ML lines, sadly, because of #2 and #3.
            5. Because of all the above, we have limited options and bodies. Most of us are poor and barely tread water economically. We make do with what we have.

            I get the frustration over knee-jerk anti-authortarian Anarchists, which I constantly remind my people that we are not Anti-archists. I’m currently the resident Anarcho-Marxist simply because I’ve read the most ML theory, and I push communal organization through the guise of Disaster Preparation. That is the one universal experience that I can trojan horse leftist ideas and praxis without triggering their programmed anti-communist antibodies. It’s not much but it’s honest work. At the same time, and I hate to say it, I must point out to our ML comrades that the Left in the US is gutted. Even the ML groups I talk to struggle in their own cities due to infiltrators, cops, and liberals. They are usually forced to act locally as well. This isn’t a critique, simply pointing out the reality of our collective situation. It sucks. At the same time, most MLs in the cities have a much larger population to draw from, and that can offer protection and strategies all their own. To me this fits into my Anarchist worldview of diversity-of-tactics, and MLs should play to their strengths!

            I practice Anarchism because, for better or worse, the tools are right at my feet to pick up where I’m at. I can organize (and radicalize) a neighborhood here and a restaurant there. It’s slow, but there simply nothing else at hand.

            Also I wish churches in my area would act more like my group, but despite practically tripping over churches in my area I rarely see Christians in the field.

            All in all, the circumstances of the Rural make traditional organizing out here as difficult now as it was for Lenin.

            • GalaxyBrain [they/them]@hexbear.net
              1 month ago

              I agree with your overall sentiment but it feels to me like you’re an anarchist because you’re working with what you’ve got, considering the circumstances I wouldn’t define what you’ve talked about as specifically anarchism. If there is no party to organize around, doing what you can isn’t really anti-ml at all. As you said the left is gutted but at least my local (in a city) anarchists are more about preparing for a mad max style apocalypse via community gardens etc than having people not dress folk punk for a second or work with layers or whatever. They want society to change to suite their bohemian lifestyle and have zero regard for everyone else. They think everyone when freed of capitalism will wanna be just like them.

      • Babs [she/her]@hexbear.net
        1 month ago

        Yeah came to quote that post. Local anarchists here are actively hostile to any sort of communist organizing. We have had our outreach events hijacked or even trashed by anarchists doing the work for feds. Leftist unity is cute and fun on Hexbear, but it does not at all reflect my irl experiences.

      • T34_69 [none/use name]@hexbear.net
        1 month ago

        I have encountered this sort of thing as well in my grass touching endeavors, and it is really disheartening.

        This kind of BS is common in my locale unfortunately

  • Rom [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    Surprised to see this nonsense actually getting pushback in the comments

    Edit: And of course the comments calling it out are getting deleted by mods. But I guess censoring people who disagree with you isn’t authoritarian somehow.

  • Seasonal_Peace [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    Im so “anti authoritarian” look at me hating on se tankies while my country is consolidated by far right authoritarian elements. What are you doing stranger, you stupid fuck?

  • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    “No rules,” and yet the thread is full of my upvoted comments being removed by mod, curious.

  • AntifaSuperWombat [she/her]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    From the OP:

    i agree. i hope anti-authoritarians dont feel targeted. i personally would not call myself a communist or use hammer and sickle, because they are too charged but they can definitely represent things i can stand behind.

    Yeah, that Austrian eagle leaves a bad taste in my mouth badeline-disgust

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 month ago

      This soft, squishy response to blatant anticommunism pisses me off so much. “they can definitely represent things I can stand behind” say it with your chest, this type of fence sitting just makes me think the only thing you stand behind is a keyboard and monitor.

      • AntifaSuperWombat [she/her]@hexbear.net
        1 month ago

        I took a quick look at her comment history and she’s not nearly as bad as a liberal and does advocate for things like abolishing (but not killing) landlords. But she does kinda come off as an anarkiddie with her wishy-washy comments or her immature worldview.

        • Nakoichi [they/them]@hexbear.net
          1 month ago

          To be fair even the revolutionaries in China in the 1940s didn’t just kill all the landlords. In fact many of them capitulated and sided with the revolutionaries and were given an equal share in the land redistribution thereafter. We have to remember not to be so bloodthirsty even if the conditions are different here. When the chips fall if there were a powerful left force here in the imperial core lenin-dont-laugh there would probably be a similar phenomenon.

          Being surrounded by a bunch of communists with guns can be very persuasive.

          • AntifaSuperWombat [she/her]@hexbear.net
            1 month ago

            They didn’t kill all but still a lot, and you have to consider that all of this happened at the end of a long, bloody war. Furthermore, a lot of those landlords didn’t give up but formed the Homecoming Legion to conduct guerilla warfare even after the war had ended.

            I just cannot see capitalists giving up their supremacy without either facing overwhelming force or bloodshed, especially because it most likely won’t be them doing the fighting, but, like always, people from the lower classes. They can just sit back and watch and if they lose… well they just move abroad and continue the fight in exile like the White movement did.

            So it’s not about being too bloodthirsty, it’s just being consequential about the realities of class-warfare. And I say this as an An-Com. ancom-heart

        • FunkyStuff [he/him]@hexbear.net
          1 month ago

          That’s fine, but if you “advocate” for abolishing landlords but you fold this easily when the laziest wrecker tactics are deployed, you ain’t abolishing landlords when the feds show up and tell you that your tankie friends’ views of people of land are harmful to landlxrds of intersecting backgrounds or whatever.

          • AntifaSuperWombat [she/her]@hexbear.net
            1 month ago

            I admire anarchists but yeah, they lack self-preservation and like I said in my response to Nakoichi, they are completely ignorant of the realities of class-warfare.

  • Rom [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    You see, the problem with Tankies is that they’re astoundingly insecure, extremely manipulative, and fully believe in any means justifying their ends.

    Someone mentioned the projection emote getting worn out lately and I think they might be onto something

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    i deffo hate some tankies, in the same way that i deffo hate some vegetarian/vegans when they actively chase people away for seemingly no reason.

    This anti-tankie thread was really lacking in anti-veganism.

  • gramxi [they/them]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    if this is what gets them motivated to go out and do things, then let them get it out of their system or whatever. I would love an anarchist intercommunal network that can build safe spaces for queer folks, but the closest thing I had where I live is a FNB that stopped operating 2 years ago. Meanwhile the PSL branch in my town has a community center that I visit to borrow books and use their restroom since the state passed bathroom laws. Those tankies are eating your lunch in this department, get to work!