Musk is doing the Nazi salute inside the Capitol while on live TV, and the thing they are worried about is tankies? Wild.
∞ 🏳️⚧️Edie [it/its, she/her, fae/faer, love/loves, ze/hir, des/pair, none/use name, undecided]@hexbear.netEnglish72·1 month agoLiberals and focusing on communists while facists are taking power and being a 100x threat than even their made up communists are.
Actually it’s the tankies’ fault Trump is the president because we told people not to vote for Kamala.
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Should we just copy/paste the same tactics nazis use?
“I’m not a communist, there’s no such thing as communism anymore. Cold war’s over, bro. If anyone’s a communist it’s YOU mr. National SOCIALIST!”
literally falling for the rightwing talking point that communists are everywhere. they’re as delusional as those rightwingers who think kraft is run by commies.
Well you see, the left is a low hanging fruit and you’re not allowed to criticize the right…but the left controls the mainstream narrative!
That’s because they either: 1. Believe Musk wasn’t actually doing it, or 2. Believe nazism is better than leftists
Fuck everyone who tries to maintain or implement hierarchies.
Let’s just leave the 12-year-olds alone
It’s unjust hierarchies by the way. Teachers teaching students isn’t inherently unjust. Parenting children, guiding them, and making medical decisions on their behalf isn’t inherently unjust. Even older/more developed students setting an example for less developed students can promote the general welfare.
It’s like an immature reading of anprim where you cut all your hair off because you get lice, so you’re stoned to death for the medical advancement. Then the people who stoned you are punched to death for creating weapons.
Nobody who is actually going to organize and cooperate well is going to be so adamant about the tendencies as to not work together. The “press the communism and betrayal button instead of just the communism button” is a fiction from where western leftists stand. It’s the kind of thing that’ll have you critiquing Castro’s revolution for reclaiming the island from gambling gangsters. "Well, actually you didn’t need Soviet missiles to resist the most bloodthirsty empire post WW2 who are also pointing missiles at you
And what’s silly is there are anarchist writings about how to organize non-heirarchal families and education. But instead of mentioning that and directing Marxists to this type of material, these fucking libs say libshit because they don’t actually learn about their self-proclaimed ideology. Only a skimming of Wikipedia articles on atrocities and sectarianism written by other libs.
I’d be open to conversations about how to not rely on the contrived atomic family unit and educational structures that teach you how to take a standardized test (as opposed to literacy). Something tells me their disagreement with Marxism is different and dumber.
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One of them posting that while the rest of the thread is full of libs deriding “tankies” for not voting for Kamala is so goddamn funny, these fuckers turn hypocrisy and Dunning-Kruger into an art form
But we need to enforce their bedtime!
The .ml instances are meant to stand for “Maoist/Leninist” so you’ll see a lot of tankies from those .ml instances…
79% literacy rate strikes again
Also it’s Mali
They aren’t sending their best.
The depressing part is that they are.
Look I’m trying okay?
“Do you see anyone tolerating fascists in here??”
every comment is about the double genocide theory
I wish we had as much influence as blue MAGA think we do.
Reject the evidence or your lying eyes and ears, words don’t mean anything anymore
beehaw is now a confirmed pro-genocide instance
This reply is to my comment - which got me banned lol. My comment was literally about pinkos having no real power in America. Then big brain here claims pinkos have enough power to sway the minds of millions of disaffected democratic voters. Like talking to a brick wall.
Russia, China and North Korea’s apologists
Literally what has the DPRK done to anyone that people would need to apologize for?
I mean things that really happened, with evidence and stuff. The Wile E. Coyote atrocity stories sourced from South Korean tabloids that constantly appear in the Western press don’t count.
Think real hard…
I’ve, once or twice, MLs over-correct and try to deny the personality cult that has organically arisen around the Kim family in the DPRK.
But that’s such an utterly meaningless thing to care about, when the worlds richest man feels comfortable enough to go mask off, and do a Nazi salute on live television, and when the new administration is attacking Trans people so aggressively.
Like, for a supposedly queer friendly instance, those are some fucked up priorities.
The main issue I have with this kind of criticism of the DPRK is that while true, it really is meaningless like you said, especially because we should compare what the USA did to Korea. There’s no comparison at all.
Some government corruption and a privileged family? Ok, sure but how do you even put that in the same ballpark as flattening the whole country, killing millions, and making the DPRK a pariah country for decades?
These people don’t understand scale or how to make comparisons. Every single atrocity or criticism they have of supposed tankies is vastly overshadowed by anything the USA does on a daily basis. It’s not even close
I get what you mean. There is probably more dynastic worship than I’d select for my ideal society, but I hesitate to judge the degree, because I know all of my information is distorted through the lenses of geopolitical rivalry and vast cultural gaps.
For example, I remember when
died, the public displays of weeping really seemed like cult stuff, but I later learned it was a Korean cultural phenomenon that long predated communism.
∞ 🏳️⚧️Edie [it/its, she/her, fae/faer, love/loves, ze/hir, des/pair, none/use name, undecided]@hexbear.netEnglish19·1 month agoThis reminds me of what Pat Sloan wrote
In connection with the status of Stalin in the U.S.S.R. I feel I must refer to one point of criticism which is raised in common by the Webbs, by Andre Gide, and by Sir Walter Citrine. This is the phenomenon described by the Webbs in their book as “the adulation of Stalin.” Any reader of the Soviet Press, with an eye and ear trained to the English language, is likely to be sometimes shocked by references to “our dearly beloved Stalin,” “our glorious leader,” and so on. This matter has often struck foreign observers, and is cited time and again as evidence of a servile attitude on the part of the population towards Stalin, and thus as symptomatic of a lack of democracy.
Personally, I must frankly admit that for at least three years in the U.S.S.R. I was often unfavourably impressed by the lavish way in which love and praise of Stalin was expressed in public utterances of all types of Soviet citizens. To the English ear such words seemed to be more appropriate to religion than to modern politics, and there is no doubt that I, too, was at first affected in the same way as the Webbs by this. But my feelings on this matter were completely changed when I happened one day to see a letter from a young worker to his brother. It began: “Honoured Beloved Brother!” These were the same words, or words closely similar to, those which had been thoroughly unpleasing to me when addressed to Stalin, because in English they suggested degradation and servility! But the young Russian used them to his brother. And when I suggested that he should simply write “Dear Brother” he was literally shocked. The English have a reputation for being a cold-blooded nation!
When André Gide began a letter to Stalin in the same words which he would have used in French, his guide suggested that a little verbal embroidery was necessary. Gide was shocked. But if I wrote to André Gide in French to-morrow, and finished up “yours sincerely,” Gide would certainly consider that I did not know French, or that I was being rude. The French, you see, happen to conclude their letters with a rigmarole which, to the English, seems artificial and somewhat servile.
When the Webbs discover a “deliberate exploitation by the governing junta of the emotion of hero-worship, of the traditional reverence of the Russian people for a personal autocrat,” they substantiate this view by examples of an apparent extravagance of language such as we have mentioned, which in English appears utterly ridiculous. And, while it is obviously not going to be the policy of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R. to try to stimulate hatred of its leaders, but the opposite, I feel that the translation of the language used gives an utterly unreal picture of the situation.
When the people of the U.S.S.R. wish to express their loyalty to their recognized leader they can only do it in their own language. Actually, the language of the oriental peoples of the U.S.S.R. is even more flowery than Russian. If the Russian worker writes to his brother as “dearly beloved,” we must not consider these words to be servile when coming from a group of collective farmers and addressed to Stalin. On the contrary, they are fraternal words, brotherly words, and not servile words. When these facts are taken into account I think it is true to say that not one example of the “adulation of Stalin” which the Webbs give contains any example of adulation greater than the words expressed by millions of British workers about Dimitrov at the time of the Leipzig trial.
All people when in foreign countries tend to assume that they understand the language better than they do, and are happy if they can translate sentences phrase by phrase without a dictionary. Both the Webbs and André Gide, cultured people as they are, have not absorbed the idiom of the Russian language. By mechanical translation they have made errors of interpretation which can have serious political repercussions; for the question of whether the Russian workers address Stalin in the way that Lady Houston wrote about the late King or as the Archbishop of Canterbury addresses God, or as one workman addresses his brother, is a question of vital importance in considering the degree of democracy which exists to-day in the U.S.S.R. Actually, as I discovered after three years, the workers of the U.S.S.R. use the same words in writing to Stalin as in writing to a much admired brother.
Comparing mild personality cult of DPRK to South Korea and Samsung, almost the entire country one a damn 1920’s company town.
They eat unicorns and have all the same haircut!
A highlight if the brainrot 👇 :
Ha yes! The “tankie” are the ones blaming individuals instead of the system, everyone knows that. It’s so funny how other instances are just making shit up about us. I guess they must have run out of things we actually said that they can misinterpret and fearmonger about so now they have to manufacture artificial ones.
“Liberal communism”. Nothing to add there, really.
You see this kids? This is how you’ll end up if you don’t read theory.
Marxism-Leninism literally does have plans for this…it’s called a vanguard party and it’s how the Bolsheviks took over Russia away from the czars. Mao came along and said “Eh I don’t think we need an explicitly vanguard party, the peasants are pissed off enough already,” and that’s how the CPC took control of China.
I’ve never read more than a few snippets of Mao or Lenin and I know this. The whole Marxism/Leninism/Maoism dichotomy is based on how these different developments in socialist thinking led to plans for revolution. Saying “They never have any plans!” when the thing we probably bicker the most about is plans is deeply unserious.
I love how these clowns have collectively decided that actually communists aren’t communists. It’s amazing.
Sorry as I am less well read, but aren’t they so wrong to say the vanguard party is a class? If you are proletarian, you are more then welcome to join…
Classes are defined by their relations to the means of productions and to other classes, the party’s members aren’t a different class than the proletariat because they have the same relations to the means of productions as the proletariat.
Was anyone free to join the Bolsheviks, as long as they could become well enough educated?
I think so, yes. @yogthos would know more about that.
The party went tremendous efforts to promote itself among the population and there were more members of the communist party in the USSR than members of any party anywhere else on earth AFAIK (edit: except probably China later).
Simultaneously, the party, especially in the pre-Khruschchov era, subjected itself to a lot of so-called “purges” (chitska) in which it would rid itself of people perceived as bureaucrats and people who were in just for personal benefit instead of ideology and praxis. To remain in the party during one such purge, many people were requested to give account of their contributions to the party and society, the time they volunteered in which actions, etc.
This is what I thought. I just wish I was better at de-bunking the “anti-tankie” folks who claim that USSR was authoritarian despite being a dictatorship of the proletariat. Anarchists that just think the state will dissolve magically without the people taking it back
No booster, just rocket
Yes, this is how far I got before I had to close the tab. What even is this? This means nothing. Why does it keep reappearing? How unserious can these people be?
It’s pathetic, it’s cringe. We would have much better uses for our time as leftists and this is what these people choose to spend their time on. No investigation, no engagement with the arguments or what has actually happened in history.
I just saw a newspaper page from the early 1900s yesterday where one headline just casually stated how the White terror state police had imprisoned hundreds of communists just because they opposed my country joining with the Nazis and were in good relations with the Soviet Union. Seeing a thread like this one after reading that and I just can’t.
also why is far left trademarked, makes no sense
sure it does, it’s the ‘far left’ brought to you by lockheed martin
It makes perfect sense since it’s a complete self-own.
Okay so apparently there’s a NATO trademark troll
Also,, what did you do to get yourself made persona non grata over there?
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seems like I live rent free in the heads of lemmy libs :)
From the looks of that thread, I’d say you’re being overcharged.
Is this just horseshoe theory with extra steps/less braincells?
It’s horseshoe theory but I’m one of the good ones
Amazing replies (emphasis added):
If anyone wants to argue. Both want an oppressive rule that brings about very great gains to the society. Certain parts are eradicated.
All in the name of greater good.
More importantly, oppression magically skips over them.
Yes, that is fascism. Funny you ask.
The post is about removing tankies from the community and that’s justified partly on the grounds that tankies what to remove certain parts of society (fascists, counter-revolutionaries).
They’re trying to do the liberal thing of calling a particular action bad )while ignoring the target of the action)…and at the same approving of the action when their community does it.
the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: “theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron”
This quote goes so fucking hard lmao
Great point. What I think is interesting too is that the Fedi itself, with its moderation (AuThoritarianizzzm) is a decentralized way of doing social media and it still has/turns into hierarchies.
It also ends up creating many unintended problems like these sorts of leftists defining a thing and factually suppressing discussions about it. So there is a lot of oppression in this decentralized supposedly anarchist way of organizing the internet commons. And when you claim your system is not hierarchical and has no issues, you never have to address the issues because you can always claim they don’t exist at all.
btw. It’s funny how the “anti-authoritarians” are the ones censoring us, meanwhile we literally have anarchists here.
“ah but those are TANKIE anarchists, who all want to kill minorities, or something, unclear but it’s true for sure”
the cowards won’t even let the removed “tankie” comments show up in the modlog
These people are effectively liberals.
They’re in there complaining that the tankies convinced people not to vote for Holocaust Harris, I’d say they’re effectively nazis
a lot of them are scratched too
also wild how hexbear is defederated yet instances with openly transphobic admins and mods are still federated with blahaj
It’s a weird variation of
brain, imo. Dogwhistling isn’t considered violence, but saying you should use violence to defy your oppressors is unacceptable.
classic @Civility posting
Woah, there. Tone it down, please.
Sorry 😔
It’s okay. We all get overexcited sometimes.
They are effectively Nazi sympathisers.
Papering over anti-fascist art to make it be instead about a nonsensical anti-communist vendetta?
It’s liberal time!
Putting the fed in fediverse.
russian organised genocide during soviet union where they kept doing what hitler tried. what the fuck are they even talking about?
You know, like when the Soviet Union continued running the third reichs concentration camps, kept sending gay people to them after ww2 had ended, staffed the civillian government with goose-steppers, poached former members of nazi high command to their new continent-spanning anti-american military organization, and spent the next several decades covertly building nazi militia networks throughout the world to put down labor organizing. You know, all those things the designated bad guys did that we rightly hate them for, like Blair Mountain and the Highway of Death. Evil commies are a threat to freedom everywhere.
Moments like this make me miss federation. I wanna get in there. Let me at em coach!
They’re talking about the time Stalin genocided Ukrainians because they had nothing left to eat after he ate all the grain with a comically large spoon.
I wish one of them would wander in here so I could ask a question:
(gonna focus on American politics here but this maps to other Western contexts) Obviously if you’re an anarchist/radical liberal/whatever you have a lot of disagreements with the “tankies.” I’m gonna assume a tankie to be someone with the views of Vijay Prashad, Losurdo, Parenti, something in that vicinity. They want a socialist state to oppress the bourgeoisie, while still maintaining some capitalist production relations as a means to develop productive forces (obviously some anti-Dengists will disagree here, but you know, general vibes). That’s a reasonable ideological disagreement. But here’s what I don’t get: the difference in what you aim to achieve is meaningful, but still quite small; whereas the difference between your goals and the Democratic Party’s goals couldn’t be more different. You want to abolish all unjust hierarchies, right? How can you be so hostile to “tankies” that wish to preserve like 20% of the unjust hierarchies you dislike, but vote for the Democratic Party which is actively preserving 100% of the hierarchies? If you have any principles at all, why are you so hostile to “tankies” yet you seem to be quite comfortable with a political party that is actively committing genocide. Are tankies not an even lesser evil? What reasoning could lead you to think that they aren’t?
The people throwing around “tankie” like this are nearly universally unaware of even their own stated political theoretical background. They hold these views because they have absorbed liberal anticommunism, including the anticommunism that their ideological predecessors absorbed and published about, like anti-Soviet propaganda that some US anarchists embraced in the 30s. Generally speaking, their complaints are not based in any coherent criticism that is actually rooted in political theory. So their entire complaint is often as ridiculoys as labeling people as authoritarian and leveraging this as a thinking-terminating cliché and throwing a tantrum when the absurdity is pointed out.
For example, there are several comments in that linked thread that are blanket declarations against hierarchy and calling themselves anarchist. There haa never been an anarchist collective that actually did anything that did not have hierarchy and being blanket opposed to all hierarchy is not, historically, an actual anarchist position. Instead, they have historically embraced a critique of hierarchy and seek to dismantle those that are unjust and most oppressive is the common theme, e.g. fighting capitalists and capitalism.
These are the “anarchists” that are just liberals with an aesthetic, not our comrades that work to dismantle oppression. They are appropriators of the tradition and are even hostile to it when you aak them to read about it. Hell, they complain about the Red Army’s suppression of Makhnovschina but get angry when you suggest reading publications by those in the Black Army when it doesn’t completely support their anticommunism.
They can be reached but I’ve only seen this irl when actual anarchists correct them.
i think the thing that keeps me on this side of the “tankie” line is I just can’t understand how anarchists plan on dealing with antagonistic capitalist states. Look at the world socialist countries exist in. You have to be decisive with putting down opposition and you should get nuclear weapons because otherwise the CIA is gonna be in there causing trouble. Without considering the realities of a communist state or whatever they want to call it coming into existence it’s just idealism.
if you want some sectarian commentary that explores this divide check out
Woah that was a good read
I’m not an anarchist myself but there’s definitely some tentative solutions to those problems. I don’t think it’s a problem with anarchism as an ideology, but with this specific type of online leftist who seems to be very preoccupied with being ideologically correct (while never reading theory) above actually carrying out meaningful actions. That’s the idealist part. The whole horizontal organizing and statelessness while still having ways to defend yourself (not sure about nuclear weapons) from hostile capitalist states I think isn’t idealism, it’s just a different way to fight capitalism from what we’ve synthesized on the “authoritarian” left.
Are tankies not an even lesser evil? What reasoning could lead you to think that they aren’t?