Men’s emotional support networks shrink by 50% from ages 30 to 90, with early parental warmth predicting larger networks. Marriage consolidates support to spouses, while retirement has no effect, highlighting aging's impact on socioemotional connections.
This is idiotic. Admittedly, I’m not wasting time on the article but… Duh! Between 30 and 90 all of your parents/aunts/uncles and half of your friends are going to die. The fact that they think you still have half at 90 is crazy. Unless your grand/great grand kids are providing emotional support and you end up with a ton of them… this is too wide of a range to be of any use.
This is idiotic. Admittedly, I’m not wasting time on the article but… Duh! Between 30 and 90 all of your parents/aunts/uncles and half of your friends are going to die. The fact that they think you still have half at 90 is crazy. Unless your grand/great grand kids are providing emotional support and you end up with a ton of them… this is too wide of a range to be of any use.