I didn’t mean for this post to cause a bunch of arguing in the comments =(
I thought this was just some gallows humor (e.g. “Everything’s lovely except that I have to fear for my safety all the time”) type of shitpost that sounded similar to comments I’ve heard from women irl a lot.
Where is the attempt to overstate a trend? You make things up that don’t exist.
Your point is “look at what this one woman did” as a counterpoint to “women can’t go out at night because violence is so prevalent”. How am I making that up? That’s literally what you’re doing. Lol
Yes, don’t go outside at night because Boogeyman everywhere. Whatever.
it’s a statistic fact that men commit an absurdly high amount of sexual violence against women. the best you could come up with is ONE article of ONE case demonstrating the opposite. go fuck yourself.
Yes, basically. Except there’s no boogey but a man. Welcome to womanhood. 😉
you literally said “women molest 13-year-old boys” as if it’s a common occurrence the way men raping women is. the best you could do was cite one article about one case. you know exacly what it is you’re doing. stop playing dumb.