My gender therapist told me this in response to something I said referencing my chest. It was a while ago but it’s stuck with me. I’m wondering what you all think of this comment? The comment felt disqualifying, like I was less male for calling my chest a “breast”, or I would be seen as less male because of it, but I can be pretty sensitive so I might be overthinking and she might be right that men don’t talk like that.

    1 month ago

    Not talking about your feelings with the person you’re literally paying to listen to your feelings is the most male thing I can think of.

    Bring it up with them again, it’s most likely purely performative advice, yes men are less likely to reference themselves like that but as you can see from this thread it’s not an actual rule.

    As a man I call my underwear Panties and the confusion it sows is just so great. Would probably say Bosom before Breast, but same energy.