live-slug-reaction catgirl-flop

    • Broodyr [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      1 month ago

      thx! i like your extra wide vaporeon. i’m a bit of a poser when it comes to pokemon tho. it took me a couple searches and way too long to remember yours’ name just now - mudkip came to mind first lol. i’ve always rly liked snorlax and poliwhirl though (and more recently, azumarill clodsire-pog)

      • x87_floatingpoint [he/him, it/its]
        1 month ago

        I’m a little surprised that someone doesn’t remember the Eeveelutions, I thought Eevee and its evolved forms (Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon) would be Pokémon that every PokéFan knows, like Pikachu. But it’s fine! I forget a lot of things, too

        Mudkip was my partner in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, so ever since, I like Mudkip!
        And Snorlax is relatable cuz I’m also fat and tired

        May I ask, what is your relation to Pokémon? Do you play the games? Watch the anime? Do you just like to look at pretty pictures of Pokémon (I used to do that a lot before I found the anime)?

        • Broodyr [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
          1 month ago

          haha trust me, the eevee-lutions are in there, they just get a bit buried in the rubble since i don’t often see pokemon content these days. and my memory do be shit on the best of days. i feel u, snorlax pretty much my spirit animal. i can’t really say i’m a pokemon fan, i’ve played a few of the games, but haven’t finished any. my first one was crystal on my gameboy advance, think i still have the game cartridge stashed away. i’ve seen some of the anime too, mostly on TV as a kid though. i have had the BW season (16) downloaded since a few years ago (heard it was one of the better recent ones, and i liked the style), and did watch a few of the episodes, but it’s since been relegated to my hoard of media that i may one day get around to watching. oh and i think i have a cool (but worthless) poliwhirl card laying around somewhere that i picked up from ebay years ago. he’s been my favorite pokemon the longest, so i thought it’d be cool to have something collectable with him