based on the reply chain, he’s some kind of libertarian - pro-elon/bezos (ethical billionaires), but anti-kings/warlords/dictators (unethical billionaires). super heavy on the “great men with great ideas”, and capitalism/workers being the enabler for making their ideas happen. he was also posting this in r/neoliberal, if that helps (it doesn’t)
based on the reply chain, he’s some kind of libertarian - pro-elon/bezos (ethical billionaires), but anti-kings/warlords/dictators (unethical billionaires). super heavy on the “great men with great ideas”, and capitalism/workers being the enabler for making their ideas happen. he was also posting this in r/neoliberal, if that helps (it doesn’t)
bonus round:
Very silly.
I’ve never seen
as great as that.
Ya this sounds very Randian.