Not sure what will happen, but seems to be a Fediverselore event for sure
Update: post from hexbear admin on
Not sure what will happen, but seems to be a Fediverselore event for sure
Update: post from hexbear admin on
I get that but do we need to defederate from them or not? It seems like they don’t have federation enabled or something.
yeah better defederate just to make sure
That’s a funny way of saying you have no clue what actually is. Hexbear is the epitome of the blind leading the blind.
I could never have imagined that certain leftists were equally as stupid and ignorantly abrasive as MAGA trumpers, but you clowns have proven it beyond all doubt. It’s so profoundly concerning and disappointing 😑
Why can’t you just act like a mature adult and answer a simple question? Why must you incessantly seek to spread divisiveness and misery?
No it’s a funny way of saying your instance sucks
Who is spreading divisiveness? You are explicitly asking if you need to take additional steps to divide yourself from elsewhere.
Not to distract attention from your frankly obsessive and weird hate rant
I’m asking if is part of Lemmy or not. Do they federate with other servers, or is it isolated? Just answer the damn question.
I explicitly federated with hexbear, at the request of your fearless leader u/CARCOSA, and I took a whole bunch of shit from all sides for that decision. Then you defederated us within 24 hours, because you couldn’t handle losing arguments with our users. I have always tried to be reasonable with you people but it counts for nothing, because you just attack and abuse everyone you come into contact with, and you actively refuse to confront reality.
Thanks for trying to stay federated with the ‘bear - I appreciate hearing all voices, regardless of my own personal views.
I mean look at how you’re acting right now over a tiny little jape. Even if you can’t stand being rejected from the cool kids’ table, can you at least understand why?
Making a mockery of socialism isn’t cool. People are dying out here and you guys are actively propping up capitalism with your edgy teenage antics. Do better.
I’m sorry I didn’t realize the last step to sparking a global proletarian revolution was being nice to you
I should really start taking my internet comment posting more seriously considering how important it is for the future of the world
That’s okay, I forgive you.
Don’t worry, hexbear/whatever is going to be called will almost certainly block along with other right-wing instances when it enables federation again
Cheers, we already blocked pre-emptively. Glad that we’re on the same page.