Taking the ring on one of those boats, leaving middle earth; would that not bee a solution to denying Sauron access to it? If you leave, there is no getting back. If Sauron leaves in pursuit of the ring, he would have to face the other gods and won’t be able to return to middle earth. I might have misunderstood something though.
Absolutely. The Valar would love to have the One Ring on their shores. They are huge fans of anyone aligned with Morgoth. Having the One Ring, with all of the power Sauron bestowed on it, it’s corrupting influence working it’s way into the minds of the Eldar, would be the best thing since Ungoliant drank the sap of Laurelin and Telperion. The Valar would be like “Hell yeah, brother!” and totally would not prevent the Ring from reaching the shores of Valinor
this is so well done, and a few of the voices really sound like the original actor, i love it 😻