• Brave Little Hitachi Wand@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    I wasn’t aware of this convention in gaming. We’ve played half a dozen games so far, and there’s nothing that would stop us from replaying it the same way as the first time - and it would still be a fun game. The way ZK:E might be describable as a “legacy” game is that each time you play, there is progression towards unlocking new game features. There are also achievements for certain things for which you can put a sticker into the rulebook. Fun things to reach for, if you need more of a challenge. All the un-lockable things are merely in envelopes, and nothing is stopping us from simply opening them, and nothing would be ruined either because all these extras are optional each time you play. When we unlocked a new power there was a sticker for updating the rulebook, so it’s all quite tidy. We’ve no complaints at all.

    • Dave@lemmy.nz
      20 days ago

      That’s great to hear!

      Risk Legacy was the first time this concept was used (to my knowledge), but I think the Pandemic Legacy series is where a lot of people know of it. I watched a video about it and the creator talked about the concept and what they were trying to do.

      I haven’t actually played a Legacy style game as I can’t bring myself to spend that much money on a play once game (also it’s not great buying something knowing you’re going to be throwing it out soon).

      Really happy to hear that this one has replayability, I’ll put it on my list of things to check out!

        • Dave@lemmy.nz
          19 days ago

          Nah it’s apparently a really unique thing that people love. The talk gave a lot of insight into the kind of thing they were going for, but I can’t find the video anymore. I found this one, but that’s not the one I watched. It might have similar stuff though.

          I haven’t played one, but I think the idea is not that you only get to play one game, but that you are working your way through a narrative. You get to play 10 or 15 or 20 games, but each game is different because you are unlocking things and going through a story line. Different player groups get a different experience depending on what decisions they make or whether they are winning or losing the games. E.g. for Pandemic Legacy I believe it has a sort of auto-balancing of the difficulty. But once you’ve played through the story line then you can’t play anymore. That sort of permanency means you bring a different attitude to the game and are a bit more careful or deliberate, and the emotions are different.

          It sounds like fun and I think I will get to it one day, but locally Pandemic Legacy Season 1 costs more than 3 times what Zombie Kidz Evolution costs, so I haven’t pulled the trigger yet.