The Greeks could only have objected to Romans(I mean, they were Romans too) sexually harassing their twinks because they wanted to do it themselves. I believe it is Greece that was famous for it’s practice of paederasty.
Also, why do you only include contemporary greek territories in Greece? What about Ionia and magna Graecia?
The Greeks can only object to Romans(I mean, they were Romans too) sexually harassing their twinks because they wanted to do it themselves. I believe it is Greece that was famous for it’s practice of paederasty.
“Only WE get to sexual harass our teen boys!”
Also, why do you only include contemporary greek territories in Greece? What about Ionia and magna Graecia?
I’m not the map’s maker, I’m too lazy for that kind of meme work 😭
After the Ottomans conquered Greece, they did a census to see which groups of people lived where. They discovered that there were some villages where so-called Romans lived. It turned out, those were Greeks that still percieved themselves to be Romans(unsurprisingly).
The Greeks could only have objected to Romans(I mean, they were Romans too) sexually harassing their twinks because they wanted to do it themselves. I believe it is Greece that was famous for it’s practice of paederasty.
Also, why do you only include contemporary greek territories in Greece? What about Ionia and magna Graecia?
“Only WE get to sexual harass our teen boys!”
I’m not the map’s maker, I’m too lazy for that kind of meme work 😭
After the Ottomans conquered Greece, they did a census to see which groups of people lived where. They discovered that there were some villages where so-called Romans lived. It turned out, those were Greeks that still percieved themselves to be Romans(unsurprisingly).