Seriously, you rock. If I hadn’t gone to a majority white school and grew up surrounded by yts, I’d literally be the most anti-white racist imaginable. Like, if I didn’t grow up to know white people who are capable of compassion and human empathy (such as some of my teachers, therapists, hs friends), I’d have gone insane from my day to day interactions with your lot on the street, completely flabbergasted by how people can tolerate living in western civilization.

And yet, while some of you didn’t grow up around nonwhites, you are still fundamentally against oppression. A lot you didn’t grow up experiencing racism on the same level certain others do and yet you still understand and rage about these issues that hurt others. It takes a special person to empathize with people that don’t look and act and come from the same background as you, and I’ve learned that about myself, that I fail to put myself in others shoes at times. And yet, a lot of you feel this solidarity with your fellow oppressed on a fundamental level.

Talking about mayos in this saccharine manner is embarrassing but every once in a while I have to remember how unique special a lot of you are.