I’ve pointed this out elsewhere, but if I’m going to have something of a megaphone, this needs to be endlessly pointed out. What is happening is not normal, and the more we normalize it, the more they win.
We are in the late Weimar. Some 248 years was a good run, but this is no longer a democracy, and the sooner people realize that, the better.
This is not hyperbole. And fuck off with “we were always a republic.” So was Rome until exactly this inflection point. Learn some fucking history.
Historically speaking, Rome didn’t really have anything like States as we know them, and Caesar/Augustus weren’t out there pushing idea that the central government had grown too large and needed to be dismantled with power returned to the provinces.
While historically accurate, it’s irrelevant to the topic at hand. You’re essentially making a “states’ rights” argument utterly useless in this context.