Ontario Premier Doug Ford warned that Canada could cut electricity exports to the U.S. in retaliation for Donald Trump’s new tariffs on Canadian goods.
The U.S. imposed a 25% tariff on most Canadian imports, citing border security concerns. Ford emphasized that U.S. states like New York and Michigan rely on Canadian energy and should “feel the pain.”
Canadian officials also announced $155 billion in counter-tariffs.
If enacted, energy restrictions would likely raise prices in the U.S., escalating trade tensions between the two countries.
Whole world needs to put 300 percent tarrifs on the US until they realise they are 5 percent of the world and aren’t in a position to bully others.
China’s going to eat their lunch if they keep things as they are.
A quarter of the world’s GDP, just saying.
Do it, but sadly it will affect the Blue States.
Ford didn’t care about Canadians when he did nothing about the housing shortage for the last 4 years, I wonder why he pretends to care now?
Ford was literally pro trump and congratulating him when he won, he pivoted almost immediately to gain favour with Canadians and it worked
Pretend to care just won him another 4 years as premier so why wouldn’t he?
Those bribe cheques certainly helped
USian here, don’t think twice, fucking do it.
Trump won’t care. Mostly hits blue states. He will probably cackle
Do you mean American? Or am I having a stroke?
Mexicans and Canadians are also from North America, and, hence, are American.
Plus there’s all of South America. Also American.
I think if you called Canadians or Mexicans “Americans” right now, they would be very offended.
Also, USian just sounds really fucking dumb.
Nobody would ever say it in real life. That’s how you know it’s for the terminally online smug huggers.
I wouldn’t be offended, signed a canukian
Yeah, it does sound kinda dumb, but so are we
Speak for yourself.
Clearly USian is tongue in cheek. You’re taking it way too seriously. Like… WW3 is potentially on its way, I don’t think USian sounding stupid is something anyone cares about.
deleted by creator
Please please please only do this during the day. 8AM to 5PM. Don’t put the squeeze on the voters. They either didn’t vote for trump, or they were so dumb that they did vote for trump won’t understand why their electric bill went through the roof. Do this during the day to shut down the businesses that stumped for trump, sent him millions of dollars and bent the knee in the hopes the tax burden will get shifted further down the income scale.
But definitely do it!
Don’t put the squeeze on the voters. They either didn’t vote for trump, or they were so dumb that they did vote for trump won’t understand why their electric bill went through the roof.
The whole point of democracy is the voters have an impact. If nothing changes for the voters don’t be surprised when they vote for the same party next time.
Sorry. 24/7, just like the tariffs.
It will hurt. That’s the point. Maybe it’ll hurt enough that y’all DO something about the absolute fuckery happening down there. Canada didn’t ask for this shit.
I hate that this is where things are but pretty soon folks will need to get to the FO part of FAFO.
You can’t bomb people into loving you. A lesson hard learned in the Middle East.
Sure, you can run those tariffs 24/7, and it would be totally in your sovereign right to do so. However, that’s not going to change anything. Trump may be a blithering idiot, but the Peter Thiels and Stephen Millers feeding him all those “bright ideas” certainly knew that equal tariffs from Canada would be the response. The line here will be “Canada is attacking you, and shutting off your power”, and the trump supporters will gag themselves choking down that line of rhetoric as hard and as fast as possible. Thats not going to solve the tariffs problem for Canada though, it will only make it worse.
If you want revenge, equal tariffs. If you wanna actually stick it to the people that stuck you and force them to backtrack, go after the businesses bottom line.
Damn… your comment being at zero upvotes is making me realize just how much everyone hates us. I know zero isn’t really anything on the surface. But I would’ve thought your comment would resonate a little.
But naw, everyone is, rightfully, just fearing for their countries right now and wants to, understandably, punish.
I fucking hate my country rn, I protested today even. But I know we’re in a bad spot and I kinda looked to countries like Canada as our last hope in defeating the pieces of shit running our country.
Guess I was delusional that they would still prioritize us “good” ones and keep us safe. But like… why? Why would they?
Oh well, no one who’s lived in a collapsing empire throughout history wanted to. And a lot of people died, and they probably didn’t want to lol.
I hope I don’t die, but I hope for good to prevail more. And if I die in the process of the defeat of this fucked country, and the world order that follows is something better. So be it… shits rough.
This all just seems incredibly sad to me. As a nation, it sounds like the fight has been completely beaten out of you all, so much so that you’re afraid of even a little pain, vote based on empty promises and sound bites, and blame each other instead of yourselves.
You all traded your freedom for convenience. You’re like flowers, opened wide, waiting for rain rather than vines that seek.
Best of luck to you all. We have to prepare ourselves, as members of the global economy, for this economic fallout. I’m prepared to fight and suffer, if I have to protect my own way of life.
Pain is fine. Pain is deserved. Pain needs to either be felt as a whole or target the most deserving.
But shutting off electricity mainly affects people without any power (😁) and that had the awareness to vote against this horror. Trump and co will just laugh “see the poor snowflake liberals what happens when they import clean electricity instead of good old American coal”.
I can’t argue that we don’t deserve it but I can hope for something more likely to help make a difference
You can’t bomb people into loving you
That’s what Canada needs to teach Trump. It’s needs to be 24/7 or else he thinks he got away with it.
Trump’s tariffs don’t just apply to business hours. Americans need to feel the pain that Canadians will.
Sure, if you want to have fair tariffs.
If you want to have effective tariffs that reverse trumps policy, then you need to be more selective.
I disagree. If people are comfortable, they won’t want to change the status quo.
Ford’s “smile” masks the grim reality of trade wars hurting everyday citizens on both sides. Effectively summarizes the stakes and implications of Ford’s actions.
As an American, fucking do it, and make sure DC and Red states feel the most pain. And don’t have some qwar ass back door conversation/deal to end the tariffs. Refuse to end them until he goes on live television and reads the following
“To all my fellow Americans, the best Americans from the best America, in hind sight, as it concerns tariffs with our closest geographical allies, I was wrong. The decision I made was stupid, and it was made by an idiot, me. Unfortunately I don’t have the intellectual or business aptitude to actually determine what a good decision would be, as opposed to a bad decision. In fact, I am as stupid as the idiots who voted for me. This was the idea that I thought I would be fantastic and I was completely wrong and it’s the only idea I had. I apologize to Canada and Mexico, both their leaders and citizens”
It would crush him to make a sincere public apology and backtrack. And he’ll still get lynched before the end of year. Because he fucking deserves it.
Unfortunately, most of Texas will be fine… ish. Well, as fine as they usually are, which isn’t great. I’m really surprised more people aren’t up in arms about how much this state fucking sucks ass for literally everything.
Canada ought to put forward two points.
Any tariff trump makes will be matched, and will run for 90 days longer than trump’s tariff (make that shit show up big on quarterly earnings numbers)
Any tariff that trump merely mentions publicly, or in private negotiaions, will immediately start a retaliatory tariff from Canada.
They need to do this and make it absolutely clear that it is 100% Trump’s fault. They cannot be allowed to make the claim that canada did it unprovoked or for the lulz.
Trudeau got in front of the cameras today and spelled this out. Our government chose to take this action, and Canada is having an entirely reasonable response. Once the tarrifs end, we can go back to where we were, but in the meantime, Americans need to learn how much they rely on Canadian trade and need to understand that this is entirely our government’s fault.
Sadly, fox, oan and the usual right wing echo chambers aren’t gonna feed Trudeau’s message to their idiot masses. The people he reached are people that probably have at least half a clue what’s happening and who is responsible.
There really is no way to back to where we were. We can only go forward from here. This is a bell that can’t be unrung.
Do it Canada. The dumber half of our country needs to learn the hard way. And, unfortunately, the smarter half has to go along for the ride.
The dumber half of our country needs to learn…
The won’t. You need to target trump’s real support, which is Russia and billionaires. Going after his voters is like kicking a dog for eating it’s own puke. The poor animal just isn’t capable of understanding what it did or why you kicked it.
Exactly. The entire reason Trump is President again is because we did not take the serious extreme and required actions after the 2020 elections to ensure that him, his supporters, and enablers could never participate in American society again.
The same mistake we made after the civil war we decided that we would be generous and go easy on those who betrayed us. We are still paying for that mistake we are still paying for the mistake with Trump. The only thing fascist understand is violence in the only way fascism ends is through violence.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Glad that Canadians are standing up for themselves.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump threatened military action in return, should Canada go forward with it. I mean, it sounds crazy to write it, but is it really too crazy for Trump?
Do it unilaterally without discussing with US.
Or even better: Discuss it with Ukraine, US gets no say in the deal. And if drumpf disagrees, the reply will be “you don’t want electricity.”
I actually had a good laugh at this… Then I had to login to my second account to up vote this twice.
… so that people probably die? Really?
Trump is “gambling with lives.” He’s “gambling with World War III.” He’s “showing major disrespect for the country, our country.”
He should say sorry. I haven’t heard him tell us “thank you” for anything this entire time.
Be mad at trump
No mercy.
On the slim bright side maybe just maybe this might make the US think of renewable energy, it’s why China invests so much into it to prevent relying on countries for oil.
Ehh who am I kidding, that’s not going to happen at all.
maybe this might make the US think of renewable energy
Probably the opposite. There are a lot of blue states in the NorthEast importing Canadian hydro as a cleaner energy source than burning fossil fuels. I’m sure the repugnicans line will be something like “if only they used good old American coal from Wyoming or West Virginia”
China invests so much into it
China is building two coal plants per week. And their “green” programs are just facades to take Western money.
Yep, taking Western money by Chinese companies buying Chinese renewable energy equipment and paying Chinese installers. Taking western money by building out renewable energy faster than the rest of the world combined, in their own country using their own companies with their own finances
More likely they’ll reopen coal plants
The children, they yearn for the mines
Drill baby drill!
Cancer baby cancer!!
No worries! The climate catastrophies will get most of us well before cancer does.
Oh honey. Burning fossil fuels is responsible for 1 out of every 5 deaths in the world TODAY.
Fracking was our answer to energy independence.
Fracking is the answer to, How can we poison our underground aquifer while continuing to put even more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere? I guess when we’re dead we won’t need energy. Checkmate fracktheists?
Agreed. It wasn’t the right answer, but it was the one the government pursued.
(Copy-pasting from another thread)
I like Cory Doctorow’s plan.
The reason Canada got tariff-free access to sell to the US in the first place? Canada agreed to enforce penalties for tampering with digital locks, following the premise of the Digital Milennium Copyright Act.
If the US is going back on the deal, then Canada should too. Make it legal to jailbreak all US tech.
Doctorow advocating for this plan:
- On Democracy Now
- On his blog
- On his podcast
- In the Ursula Franklin lecture at the University of Toronto’s Innis College (I especially enjoyed this one, but it is the longest)
Big up DemocracyNow. Every American should have them as one of their sources of news.
Thanks for sharing this info mate…It’s a eye opener…Just fuck the technocrats.
Why is the fairness meter of the article “unfair left leaning”, when it just reports on something someone said?
I don’t see any opinion piece there, but pretty much just direct quoting
How can this be even left or right leaning? Oo
In the US, reporting on simple facts makes you “radical left” while obvious propaganda makes you “right leaning”.
Reality has a liberal bias.
We Americans have a serious problem labeling anything we disagree with as “those other guys”. I might even say it’s our main problem. We wouldn’t be where we’re at today without the divisiveness and team mentality.
Sadly it’s not just Americans…
Seeing the same we-they pattern here in Austrian right wing communities/parties
Sadly it’s not just Americans…
But they’re the best at it. Tremendous at it. Everyone says it. People say it. You know it
Sometimes I go look at r/conservative just to take temperature, and on returning to political communities on lemmy I find the same ad hominem insults and dehumanizing efforts as over there, certainly less of it and less virulent, but just as spiteful and aggressive.
I’m all for being upset when it’s appropriate, but I am afraid that political affiliations are no guarantee of sanity or reasoning.
I’m just fed up with the constant sensational shock fake news (usually of right wing parties), which only aim for fear, anger and hatred
Yeah, we all have problems and we need to work on that. That’s pretty much life - especially social life and much more (geo-) political life.
But I can’t stand the rhetoric anymore. From highschool bullies playbook to imitating Hitler’s rhetoric. I’m just too fed up with it.
I want fact based politics and crowd sourced solutions - from the people that are actually affected.
And not some idiot calling a whole group of people degenerates and worth shit.In the late 90s with the “real” Internet still alive and all of the people starting to face global problems, I was really optimistic, that this would bring us all together.
To work on a global solution.
But nah, we need to have populistic simple “solutions” for complex problems, where seemingly every time it’s just the fault of some minority group or some foreigners.This now just isn’t the world I wanted to live in and I naively hoped for so much better and more…
Edit: to make extend on that:
Society doesn’t need a rigid framework of rules to live in. So fuck social control - doesn’t matter if it comes from religion or from state.
The laws we live in should reflect the society we currently are. And not try to pressure society into some form of ideological picture.
And with that, fuck ideology as well.Society is always changing and our rules to live by need to be as flexible as that.
But somehow people still long for a wannabe strongman leader, who only cares for himself.We could just build our own society, with basic democracy, no real leaders, but maybe just elected representatives.
We don’t need anyone to tell us, how we should behave.
We hopefully are grown up enough to see the ethical correct way.But people seem to prefer to be childs and just hand over responsibility…
That’s why I advocate for anarchism.
Take the power away to coerce people.
Yeah, I’m an Anarchist as well
So that’s what I basically described here ;-)
Or at least a form of it
Unfortunately, ideology is like halitosis: it’s always someone else’s problem. Showing how a position is “allowing you to participate in your own oppression” (my definition of ideology) can seem impossible or require great skill.
Emotionally, a lot of people seem to need a leader not a representative. I wonder how much is culture and ideology, and how much is evolutionary.
We like sweets, too, and learn to do without. I believe we can do the same by suppressing leaders and thus managing the Sociopath in Power problem.
I just don’t know how a grown up and educated human can still look for a leader in its life
I’m in favour of a primus inter pares concept, so I do get, that I give off responsibility in some parts of my life to people, who just do it better.
Like, I’m not really good with mechanical stuff, others are. So it’s better that they do it.
But I’m rather good with computer stuff, so we help each other out.I just don’t see the need for a kindergartner in a society of grown ups.
Problem is, that we’re currently lacking education in quite some parts, so many people never really get to actually grow up and need to rely on other people, because they never knew better.
This sounds a bit derogatory, but that’s the only way I can image, why people want to have a “strong” leader above them - they just don’t want to take responsibility.
Why is the fairness meter of the article “unfair left leaning”
It isn’t; that article is rated neutral/fair. You need to vote on the fairness rating yourself first, then it’ll show you the average score
Ah, ok!
Still a weird thing to show for an unvoted stateYeah, I don’t know why it just doesn’t show the needle at all until you vote
You’re supposed to click where you think it should go. It’s a voting mechanism.
Yeah, I thought it’s showing me the current voting already.
In another comment someone explained to me, that this is just the default position before the vote - which I find prettyintuitiveunintuitive.
But maybe that’s just me…Did you mean “unintuitive?”
Intuitive means it feels right.
Ah, yeah, thanks.
Auto correct fucked me over…
Because many people in the US (and elsewhere, sadly) are not media-literate enough to understand the difference between the veracity of an article and their opinion about it.
It’s supposed to be for the publication as a whole, not the specific article. No idea what metric they’re using, though.
Edit: Never mind, was talking about something else.
Nah, it’s article by article.
Hold us accountable and submit your rating of this article on the meter.
Oh, so they crowd-sourced it and it’s being brigaded by Trump morons. Got it.
Ah, I thought they were talking about the bot that is or was on here that rated sources.