Not sure if Hitler even deserves the mention here. His haircut really wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.
Hitler is the red herring. It says to select dictators with bad hair and his is okay.
There is a little of bad hair under the nose.
If Worf and Hitler kissed, their facial hair might never touch.
Ron Mael would beg to differ.
He doesn’t keep a toothbrush, that’s a dust mop.
I’d never heard of Sparks. They’re pretty cool!
Fun fact the toothbrush mustache became extremely common after WW1 especially in Germany because it was one of the few styles of facial hair allowed due to gas masks.
Well, if you’re a fascist asshole it’s probably pretty hard to find some dude you could trust behind you with several inches of sharp metal…
Is Musk trying to pull off a Zorg?
Wouldn’t be surprised if he’d take the comparison as a compliment
I certainly take it as an insult to Zorg.
Musk would’ve pushed the red button without asking about it first.
Who are those other dictators with the good haircuts??
I was confused about that for a while too. They’re just normal stock photo models who are neither dictator or bad haircut havers.