Remember when Ford had an amazing performance growth, made record profits, then laid off a huge amount of people and moved more business overseas. Nothing like capitalism to fire you when you’re down and fire you when you’re up!
Or sharing profits among the leeches when it’s going great, but when shit goes down they are begging for help from government and firing people. How about you not instantly take out profits but you build resillience through reserves and preparation? Lol, who am I kidding, milk the cow till it’s dry and then make beef patties when it stops giving milk.
Remember when Ford had an amazing performance growth, made record profits, then laid off a huge amount of people and moved more business overseas. Nothing like capitalism to fire you when you’re down and fire you when you’re up!
Or sharing profits among the leeches when it’s going great, but when shit goes down they are begging for help from government and firing people. How about you not instantly take out profits but you build resillience through reserves and preparation? Lol, who am I kidding, milk the cow till it’s dry and then make beef patties when it stops giving milk.