I mean, there are people who want to pursue theoretical weapons, that would completely sterilize earth, if the theoretically possible concept could be proven to actually work. Only reason we really aren’t is the impracticality of the research. So, if it were more practical an idea to research, we’d be on it.
the problem becomes size and amount of expensive materials, technically it’s not even particularly interesting, all parts are there and some designs were tested when thermonuclear weapons were first developed
Yes with this, I was talking about weapons that theoretically could exist, but we don’t know if what we think could work will, because just researching it isn’t practical. However, if that weren’t the case, we absolutely would be researching things like neutronium bombs, and such.
I mean, there are people who want to pursue theoretical weapons, that would completely sterilize earth, if the theoretically possible concept could be proven to actually work. Only reason we really aren’t is the impracticality of the research. So, if it were more practical an idea to research, we’d be on it.
the problem becomes size and amount of expensive materials, technically it’s not even particularly interesting, all parts are there and some designs were tested when thermonuclear weapons were first developed
Yes with this, I was talking about weapons that theoretically could exist, but we don’t know if what we think could work will, because just researching it isn’t practical. However, if that weren’t the case, we absolutely would be researching things like neutronium bombs, and such.