PiS pro-russian? what the fuck are you talking about
you can say a lot about them, they’re corrupt, they dismantled judiciary, they’re anti-EU, they’re nationalist, they are republican cocksuckers, but they’re not pro-russian
e: just like 2 days ago i’ve heard that Duda wants Americans to station nuclear weapons in Poland. that’s pro-russian PiS for you. who do you think are these supposed to be used against, aliens?
PiS pro-russian? what the fuck are you talking about
you can say a lot about them, they’re corrupt, they dismantled judiciary, they’re anti-EU, they’re nationalist, they are republican cocksuckers, but they’re not pro-russian
e: just like 2 days ago i’ve heard that Duda wants Americans to station nuclear weapons in Poland. that’s pro-russian PiS for you. who do you think are these supposed to be used against, aliens?