They sell things that come in cups, or with napkins. Lots of people cycle/run/walk here instead of driving, seems pretty stupid.
Taking away the bins doesn’t mean you don’t produce rubbish…
Edit: I think there is still a bin IN the cafe, but most people eat/drink outside. Lots of people asking staff where the bins are. Still hypocritical I think though? (And still mildly infuriating to remove well used bins!)
I don’t think it works. I think the resulting litter is just more distributed and therefore harder to register. Instead of an overflowing trash can, it’s a napkin here, a cup there, and a lot of it ends up eaten by wildlife or in waterways so not very visible.
No, a lot of people are actual decent human beings and understand the simple concept of packing out your own garbage.
If someone sees a full garbage, they aren’t suddenly going to become a decent person, no they add to the pile making it worse. Don’t give them that option, and well most people actually turn decent. Since to throw it on the ground and get caught is different than just “adding to the pile”. It’s amazing what a little public embarrassment can fix.
Or just…actually empty the bins?
And what if someone decides to empty their garbage from their vehicle filling it up and now it’s not being emptied until the next morning?
I’m guessing you would want someone standing there to empty it the second it gets full….?
Well first of all, yes.
Second, pretty sure that’s “dumping” and not legal, so record their license plate and send em a fine.
Using a public bin to empty your vehicle is illegal? That’s what the bins are for dude. Wow, you really have no clue about any of this do you?