The tool, which is able to cut lines at depths of up to 4,000 metres (13,123 feet) – twice the maximum operational range of existing subsea communication infrastructure – has been designed specifically for integration with China’s advanced crewed and uncrewed submersibles like the Fendouzhe, or Striver, and the Haidou series.
If I had that type of technology I would not advertise it
For me it’s quite the opposite. It’s all about power projection in the grand scheme of things.
Powerful seems like a pointless adjective here.
It doesn’t take much power to destroy a cable. Did they invent a really long, and powerful, chain with a powerful anchor on it only usable by a boat with powerful electric winch?
Maybe they put AI in it too, for extra power of course
“That could reset the world order”
Lmao, what hyperbolic bullshit. It’s just a cable cutter. Most nations have shit like this, but thanks for letting us know in the title this is just Chinese propaganda.
Let me guess, they already tested it
This could have been a The Onion title
SATCOM here we come!
Don’t worry, they’re working on satellite warfare too. Kessler syndrome, here we come
Working on the thing we’ve had for half a century? Improving sure but thaad and kenetic kill devices have been around forever like South Korea just showed video of their testing which means it’s almost certainly last gen and the new Gen is deployed.
I sincerely hope they’re smart enough not to trigger that.
Someone posted an article elsewhere on the thread about China practicing “dogfighting” in space - which, after you remove the fear-mongering, is just them figuring out how to do satellite-satellite maneuvering. Still immense opportunity for runaway collisions, but it seems like the military applicability is more toward sabotage than blowing things up. I could definitely see a scenario where high value satellites have had small boosters affixed to them, their electronics tampered, or some other way of commandeering or de-orbiting them to deprive their owners of them. A microwave + laser could disable smaller sats from above, then ablate some of their exterior to sap momentum so gravity drops them in short order. (Maybe. That’s idle speculation, but generating the power and dissipating the heat in space could make that idea impossible.)
Yeah, the only feasible way to do satellite warfare without creating a ton of debris is to mechanically attach to an enemy satellite and drop it out of orbit.
Like imagine an autonomous attacker satellite that clamps onto the target satellite, and uses thrusters to drop itself (and the target) into the ocean. Any kind of kinetic weaponry to destroy the target satellite will just end up with a debris cloud around the earth, making future space travel impossible.
But no country wants to invest in satellites just to intentionally drop them out of orbit. Every single attack would be prohibitively expensive when compared to just firing a missile at the satellite.
Seriously… Anything but Starlink
Weird way to pronounce starlink, since it seems that’s what they’re hoping for. Privatizing the government
That country fucking sucks ass.
It’s give and take. China is smart enough to invest in its country and its people. They’re making great scientific and technical advances that’s on a course that will surpass the west in many areas. The individual rights and freedoms are terrible though to the point where unsanctioned creativity is punished.
The whole country is dystopian. But agree there are smart people. They are just used for doing/inventing awful stuff.
They are playing the long game and are currently the only ones benefiting from all that happens. They sit by idly watching our idiot leaders antagonise each other.
Lmao people will say this same shit about the us in 8 years when all the rights have been stripped and it’s run by tech bros
Yes. In many ways, China is exactly what Republicans wet dream about. A single party runs unopposed controlling all elements of government. Criticizing them is illegal. All businesses are protected by the government from uppity customers. Employees are expected to work 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 6 days a week for few benefits with almost no workers rights…
It’s the Republican dream.
You know as much about china as dolphins do about integrated circuits.
they’re also experimenting with dogfighting satellites
That seems less concerning to me after reading the article.
Russia and the US are also known to conduct proximity operations to their own and other satellites, she added.
Referring to China’s operations as “dogfighting” in space is “not helpful” because it “automatically ascribes hostile intentions to activities that frankly the US also undertakes,” Samson added.It’s concerning that they are developing the capability (which can be used in multiple ways) in the same way that any geopolitical rival developing capacity that competes is concerning, but “dogfighting” evokes the idea that China is planning to fly around and blow stuff up, in an irresponsible, Kessler syndrome-inducing way.
That country fucking sucks major ass. Space lasers when?
We literally have starlink and the US run by fascists with nukes. I don’t mind seeing other countries that they threaten ready to combat their information systems.
Yeah, but that’s only as long as they target the US with their bullshit. Dictatorships don’t exactly have a history of stopping after „defeating“ their enemy. They’ll find new ones (spoiler it’s gonna be Europe).
Dictatorships don’t exactly have a history of stopping after „defeating“ their enemy. They’ll find new ones
Fr dawg.
Also, I don’t really want to have to learn Mandarin, nom sayin’?
I’m firmly in middle age and don’t have the mental capacity to memorize 30,000 Chinese characters or whatever the count is.
You don’t have the mental capacity to learn mandarin? lol that’s pretty nicely worded. I simply don’t have the fucks and would rather die than learn that language. I had enough trouble with French. And they use „normal“ letters.
Nothing about france can be called normal even with quotation marks.
no it doesn’t, you racist.
xi is a harmful influence.
china is more than its politics.
china is its politics. its culture has been majorly reshaped by their dystopian shit. Basically no one there questions their surveillance, what’s more, they ridicule those who oppose it
“china is its politics.”
Absurdly ignorant.
You think a 3000 year old country as large as the US with 1.4 billion people is defined by the recent political actions of a single leader who seized power a decade ago?
You are perceptually limited here, not the Chinese people and their culture.
You are woefully ignorant of both what “china” and “politics” are.
“Basically no one there questions their surveillance”
You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about. Do you have any evidence of this lack of questioning from 1.4 billion people? The protests? Articles? No? Of course you don’t you’re dead wrong.
“what’s more, they ridicule those who oppose it”
Chinese people are regularly censured and go to jail for protesting against Xi policies. Go ahead and provide a shred of evidence for your ignorant claims.
Piss off. It’s not racist to hate a country. It’s racist to hate their people. Not all cultures are worth being praised. Some deserve to be condemned. And I hate Chinese culture. And Japanese for that matter. They are dystopian if you take a closer look.
If a country keeps a horrible leader for that many years, it also tells a lot btw. Normally you would re to get rid of said leaders. But apparently it’s fine.
yes, it is racist to hate an entire country of people because of who they are.
that is racism. here look:
“Some deserve to be condemned. And I hate Chinese culture.”
idiotic, ignorant and absurd racism.
“And Japanese for that matter.”
“They are dystopian if you take a closer look.”
you are obviously ignorant about either of those countries and especially anything about their culture.
which utopian country are you from?
“If a country keeps a horrible leader for that many years, it also tells a lot btw”
oh look, you’re blinding ignorance.
xi abolished term limits years ago. he is not kept in power, he seized it; Trump said he would like to do the same thing.
“Normally you would re to get rid of said leaders.”
wildly historically inaccurate and ignorant!
"But apparently it’s fine. "
nope, and embarrassingly ignorant.
The only racist asshole who i see in this comment is varik who use racist an as excuse when the asshole dont have more arguments
Unsurprising, you are clearly coming from a limited awareness and perspective. Best of luck.
dig your head deep in the sand, if you can’t live without that
Nobody is going to join you down there except other racists. Have fun with each other.
china is pretty cool.
xi has been a harmful influence.
I disagree. China is a scary place with face recognition and all that shit. I wouldn’t ever travel there. If my job sent me there, I would rather quit than travel to china.
Fuck china. Also Chinese culture in general is pretty unappealing to me, who is used to a free life without all these stupid and arbitrary „rules“ like having to be married or else you’re worthless and all that crap.
Also their factories have grids in front of windows so workers can’t kill themselves by jumping out. Tells me all I need to know.
I hate the whole thing, not just the government.
But please note that I do not blanket hate all Chinese people though.
“I disagree”
I’mthen you’re objectively wrong, as you are disagreeing with facts.
“China is a scary place”
like the US.
“with face recognition and all that shit.”
like the US.
“I wouldn’t ever travel there.”
good, they don’t need your racism you would be an embarrassment.
"If my job sent me there, I would rather quit than travel to china. "
small favors.
“. Also Chinese culture in general is pretty unappealing to me”
you obviously know nothing about Chinese culture, and are obviously very racist.
“who is used to a free life…”
which “free” country are you from?
"I hate the whole thing, not just the government.
But please note that I do not blanket hate all Chinese people though. "
this is going to shock you, bigot, but all Chinese people are “the whole thing” that you are insulting, despite your racist tantrum being born out of obvious ignorance.
Someone is very butthurt. Probably Chinese, by chance?
You keep saying „like the US“ as if that was an argument at all lol. Yes. Like the US. Both are authoritarian shitholes.
“Someone is very butthurt. Probably Chinese, by chance?”
nope, just smart,well-traveled and knowledgeable.
and… not a racist like you!
I followed the thread just to see where it landed and I was not disappointed.
And for a well travelled and knowleadgeable person, you give off a very narrow view.
So, in one corner, we have an authoritarian regime, well established, known for violently suppressing minorities and heavilly surveill the citizens, take over territories, and constantly menace and threaten others, while thriving by manipulating money flow world wide and internally using slave work to run their industries.
On the other, we have the exact same thing, but flag and language changes. And classical political quadrant.
You can loathe a regime and have nothing against the people underneath it. Chinese were lead into an authoritarian regime through force, Americans were subtly led to the same through fear. The original premise: a land of freedom, for the people.
If we can not agree both countries are, essentially, the same, then one of us is refusing to aknowledge facts, willingly.
“So, in one corner, we have…” a biased collection of recent historical political actions by one man by which you are judging an entire country, its culture that has existed at least 300 times as long as that dictator, as well as a population of 1.4 billion other people.
“On the other, we have…” a failed direct comparison that falls apart under the lightest scrutiny.
“You can loathe a regime and have nothing against the people underneath it”
nobody argued you can’t.
“Chinese were lead…” oh boy. rough.
“Americans were subtly led…”
HAhah, come on…okay. Please elucidate the subtleties of the American conservative, particularly their blunt leader.
“The original premise: a land of freedom, for the people.” This is incorrect. a “Muslim ban” was proposed.
look at his policies. Rump is a rapist. not a subtle rapist, just a rapist.
“f we can not agree both countries are, essentially, the same, then one of us is refusing to aknowledge facts”
I think you are much more ignorant of the facts than refusing to acknowledge them here.
These countries are not the same at all. All facts go against your failed comparisons here and the similarity between the two countries overall.
In fact, you argue against your own conclusion by claiming the two recent dictators came to power differently.
You have no cohesive point or consistency except for how contextually and factually ignorant you are regarding every point you try to make.
I literally said that I don’t hate Chinese people, I hate the culture. That is not racist to hate „work to death“ and „be worthless unless you reach a certain social status“ etc.
I’m sure there a nice aspects. But most of the culture seems forced and cruel. It’s all dependent on social status and that’s kinda sad. I hate that. I would hate it anywhere, not just in china. I would hate it in my country too. So how is this possibly racist? Some cultures are just worse than others.
“I literally said that I don’t hate Chinese people, I hate the culture”
hating a culture, especially when you don’t know anything about except the race of the people who make that culture, is racist.
what you actually said is:
“That country fucking sucks ass.”
these are your new arguments:
"That is not racist to hate „work to death“ and „be worthless unless you reach a certain social status“ etc. "
nobody said that was racist, because you haven’t said those before.
what is racist is you not liking Chinese people and their culture for no reason other than their race.
I am glad you are changing your position.
“I’m sure there a nice aspects.”
there are many.
“But most of the culture seems forced and cruel.”
this is a statement born of ignorance, you can’t draw this conclusion because you obviously don’t know anything about the culture.
as seen here:
“It’s all dependent on social status and that’s kinda sad.”
this is incorrect, stop drawing racist conclusions based on your assumptions and ignorance.
“how is this possibly racist?”
what is racist is you not liking Chinese people and their culture for no reason other than their race.
to the point that you will vehemently insult an entire country, including its people, despite not knowing what you’re talking about.
I see that your english is a bit wrong. It’s not smart, neither knowledgeable when opinions are presented as facts, that is called dumb and deceived in english
“…as facts, that is called dumb and deceived…”
You use incorrect words, conjugations, punctuation and definitions as incorrect responses to your own reading incomprehension. I can help you with your English(the capitalized language).
Your comments really come off as CCP propaganda. Either you drank the Koolaid, or your trying to fool people for the sake of a shitty government.
“Your comments really come off as CCP propaganda”
i warned against condemning and insulting am entire country of people and their culture because the self-appointed dictator is a harmful influence.
so by me criticizing the head of the CCP and his harmful influence on China, you are seeing “CCP propaganda”?
sounds like you might be influenced by…propaganda.
“trying to fool people for the sake of a shitty government.”
how does my criticism of the head of the Chinese government in charge of all policy decisions in the last decade fool youn into support of the Chinese government?
Yes, they’re smarter than us.
Thanks for the laugh.
…as reported by the South China Morning Post lol
Historically they were a solid paper, based out of Hong Kong. It’s a toss up these days though, not sure.
let’s hope it’s bs
They already do it by simply dragging boat anchors across, it’s obviously going to be weaponized further. There have multiple data and power cables cut like this in the Baltic sea recently.
max depth of baltic sea is 1,500 ft
And it was done with something no designed for this purpose. Why is it hard to conceive that a tool designed for it would do much better?
because military subs can’t go that deep. It’s a lot harder to police.
I don’t think they need to send people down or even complex sensors, they could use a similar dumb tactic, as above, of dragging something heavy for kilometers, until they can confirm that there was a disruption on the network.
Fucker McGucker, this is evil
Good thing we have the channel tunnel I guess, repurpose that for data cables that are protected.
I didn’t know we have a channel tunnel to the american continents
Sure, it will be a shame to lose south/central America and Canada, but nothing else of value over there.
Operational depth is essentially the same as the claimed operational depth that oceangate sub that popped the other year. I have a lot more confidence that these things will actually work when China does it instead of some incompetent millionaire/billionaire.