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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • To be diagnosed in my area you have to be diagnosed by a psychiatrist after a referral.

    After some on-point memes convinced me, I asked my doctor with only one google search under my belt. After a couple of screening questions from her, anecdotes from me, she gave a referral. The number of providers offering diagnoses were limited, but I found one, learned the waiting period was 3 months, panicked, and never did anything about it.
    My doctor retired, and at my next yearly I talked to my new doctor, and she said most of her patients were seeing 6 month wait periods. But mentioned there’s a website called ADHD diagnosis online (or something like that), that does no-insurance testing.
    So I went to the site, saw they were licensed to operate in my area, paid my $180, and then had a 4-hour long online survey (it was 50/50 multiple choice, and long-form answers). About a week later, a psychiatrist reviewed my survey and diagnosed me. I could have sought reimbursement from my insurer, but that seemed overwhelming, so I didn’t.

    I know. It’s contributing to the commodification of a skilled professional’s labor. I feel bad about that. They also diagnosed me with anxiety and depression based on my answers. 6 months later I realized that I was in fact depressed (and getting much worse), and after beginning treatment, that I have been since 2018. So… I guess it was pretty worth it.

  • I’m cynically viewing this as not a positive. I assume this is so they can make pages 2, 3 and so on as spammy as page 1.

    Not at first, obviously. You don’t boil that frog on high heat.
    You throw out a second page with a cute little text ad off to the side, then 1 or 2 at the top, then a mid-page ad. Maybe some suggested content.

    Instead of having to scroll through a page’s worth of ads to get to semi-relevant results with a gem hidden in them, it’ll be a pages worth of ads for your semi-relevant results per page, and maybe what you were looking for 4 or 5 pages in.

    Google used to be good. They ‘know’ what people are looking for. So they’ll probably hire someone familiar with gambling to figure out a minimum dispersion of relevant results on the pages, to keep people using the service and scrolling past ads. … I used to remember this. Variable-ratio reward schedule?