One of the main issues that I have with “hard” determinism as I see it in the contemporary world is that so many of its backers and supporters are complete and utter monstrous assholes like Scott Adams, and their applications of their beliefs tend to involve reductionist and nihilistic takes on people and life itself accordingly.
It also tends to involve giving a free pass to being an asshole because surely everything was predestined in a deterministic way so CPTSD from bad parents don’t real something something meat computers something something love is chemicals therefore it is meaningless :morshupls:
This isn’t even a hard determinism argument - it’s genetic determinism. A hard determinist wouldn’t argue that changing an individual’s environment to one that has a support network is pointless, they’d just argue that whether you do or don’t wasn’t really your choice
You’re the problem, my friend, not an example of the solution. You were ready and equipped for rehab. I applaud you. But it is cruel to say dad’s love was the magic sauce. His genes played the main role. The rest is scenery. You impede solutions by hallucinating they exist.
I swear The Selfish Gene by Dawkins did irreparable harm to a huge cohort of smartdumb psychos.
One of the main issues that I have with “hard” determinism as I see it in the contemporary world is that so many of its backers and supporters are complete and utter monstrous assholes like Scott Adams, and their applications of their beliefs tend to involve reductionist and nihilistic takes on people and life itself accordingly.
It also tends to involve giving a free pass to being an asshole because surely everything was predestined in a deterministic way so CPTSD from bad parents don’t real something something meat computers something something love is chemicals therefore it is meaningless :morshupls:
This isn’t even a hard determinism argument - it’s genetic determinism. A hard determinist wouldn’t argue that changing an individual’s environment to one that has a support network is pointless, they’d just argue that whether you do or don’t wasn’t really your choice