For everyone regardless if you celebrate or not, I wish you all a wonderful day full of love, happiness, and time spent with those that matter to you. Merry Christmas Comrades, I’m thankful to have all of you in my life.

  • DankZedong
    2 years ago

    I have a sort of same situation. My parents were poor growing up. My dad could never even afford things like holidays or new clothes growing up. They worked their ass off and with the luck of selling their first house with profit they managed to get comfortable later in life when their kids were born. I never grew up rich or anything but I never had any real shortcomings either. But my parents had when they were young, and it’s always a but shocking to hear what they went through.

    But I appreciate everything they have done for us though.

      2 years ago

      Third one with a similar story here. My parents each immigrated to the U.S. when they were young, and they met here.

      They had me when they were I believe 18 and 19, and they didn’t exactly live a life of luxury.

      Looking back, I realized this, but I also realized that even before my parents got good-paying jobs and before we were able to move to a nicer apartment and be able to afford more commodities and luxuries, I never felt like I lacked anything in terms of material possessions or needs.

      While I think they, especially my dad, could’ve done a better job emotionally/psychologically, I’ll give them that they always did their absolute best to make sure my brother and I had everything we needed, or even wanted.