A couple reasons why I think she can help out.

  1. She appears to be real and not a dude pretending to be a girl as we all know are 90% of the “girls” in the fediverse
  2. She has a good understanding of social networks
  3. She understands that reddit is both fake and Gey
  4. A different kind of mind set should help out and I think she can bring ideas ruqqus refugees like wiggle and me perhaps have not thought of.

I still want to grow the freedom verse. Twitter’s new rules have been great and actually mostly works for me. I left mainstream social networks when they banned doctors for criticising government’s handling of COVID.

However; we’ve all seen centralized social networks go to shit a billion times. We need technical barriers. Even scored has begun shadow banning and blanket banning words. If I can stop playing GOW3 I will get back to coding wolfballs 2.

So I would like everyone to welcome Alice as our new admin who I know will help bring more people to wolfballs and the freedomverse.

One more thing, I have moved wolfballs to a raspberry pi 4 on a ssd.

Please let me know how the performance is. And if you run into any problems. It should have the same bandwidth as before. Now I’m not space constrained