Although this comes as a shock to me that wolfballs is shutting down, MOB basically funded this whole thing personally. I blame myself in many ways for being an inadequate administrator of a website and not getting more traffic here and also I basically told alice one day when i was drunk that id fuck her (not exact words but admitted thats where i was going with it) I hope you guys will continue being friends with me on GAB. I will be there from now on. All of you were a huge part of my life. While on here i saw many changes personally. I divorced my wife, Got the highest paying job i ever had, got my license to carry firearms and quit smoking cigarettes. I would love to start a new free forum on Gab with certain members from here as honorary mods. Although work has consumed my life lately. I assure you of my commitment to free speech on the internet the best that i can. (Thank you MOB for ever making me an admin here and trusting me to administrate this with you. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. I will always consider you a brother in arms and several times wolfballs posts went border line viral getting high numbers on and other posts making it to a salty cracker restream. For those that will fade into obscurity i salute you. But for those who wish to continue, join me. Let’s work together and build a community on Gab and then discuss how to bring free forum and the posts on it to other places (Twitter,, poal, ect.) im not doing this for money and anyone who wants to contact me personally please dm me on gab and lets create a new free forum there. The one that there is cool but i say lets start fresh and know what we have. I msy not have agreed with all of you and you guys may not have always agreed with me but I always appreciated the feedback and exchange of ideas (even with the commies and leftists) maybe my abrasive attitude is to blame or maybe I didn’t do enough, but fuck it, I regret nothing. Also if bringing free forum to another fediverse site like lotide for example please contact me pn this thread or dm me on gab. If you guys want to be email pals, dm me. And MOB if FBI has u tied to a chair right now dm me what I threatened captainmeta4 on ruqqus lol.