Was curious if there were any quotes that we’d like to share.

It’s pretty hard to find anything from Stalin for example that isn’t blatantly made up to demonize him.

  • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Very similar old but gold I love:

    "I dissuade Party members from putting down people who do not understand. Even people who are unenlightened and seemingly bourgeois should be answered in a polite way. Things should be explained to them as fully as possible. I was turned off by a person who did not want to talk to me because I was not important enough. Maurice just wanted to preach to the converted, who already agreed with him. I try to be cordial, because that way you win people over. You cannot win them over by drawing a line of demarcation, saying you are on this side and I am on the other; that shows a lack of consciousness. After the Black Panther Party was formed, I nearly fell into this error. I could not understand why people were blind to what I saw so clearly. Then I realized their understanding had to be developed.

    -Huey Newton

    I live this way as often as I can. I cannot tell you how many times I bit my tongue until my anger settled, or erased a text or a comment and rewrote it nicer or at least more neutral, even to fascists. I meet people where they are, gain some level of trust, and then try to introduce them to new ideas, or I meet them head on but make sure to always respect them and spin it as “you have been lied to by the powers that be” instead of “you are evil and stupid, die please.”