Are there any other good modem movies that have black and white counterparts? The only other one i can think of is The Day The Earth Stood Still and the remake of that isn’t even that good.
This question comes about as my really enjoying The Thing, finding out it had an earlier version, and then finding i enjoyed that version more and for different reasons. I’d love to branch out and watch more monochrome movies with modem ties.
Now I have that off my chest…
The Fly - I have a boxset of all the various Fly films.
I Am Legend adaptations - The Last Man on Earth (B&W), Omega Man, and I Am Legend (as well as it’s mockbuster I Am Omega). The novel inspiring:
Night of the Living Dead - as it’s public domain anyone can remake it and they have (few of which are worth watching). A more interesting remake is the Dawn of the Dead one, although the original is in colour.
Nosferatu and Nosferatu the Vampyre but I’d also throw in Shadow of the Vampire about the making of Nosferatu.
The Blob - although the original was in colour.
And any number of Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolfman films.
I’d add Return of the Living Dead as a quasi-sequel to Night of the Living Dead.
Also, Psycho hasn’t been mentioned. Cat People is another.
Good call - it’s probably the best NotLD sequel/remake after Dawn of the Dead.
I still don’t see the point of a shot-for-shot remake but if OP is looking for B&W remakes then this is a must-see.
I’m disappointed that I forgot this.
Pants on fire. 😛 The original 1958 movie is in color.
I have to give you that one! 🤝
Nuts, so it was. The sequels are B&W, which is confusing.
😁 🤝 😁
To be honest I was quite surprised to find out the original Blob was colour, but I decided to leave it on the list. The mind plays funny games with us (or mine does anyway).
Okay, now you’re just jerking my chain! 🤣 How could you forget that…that…that particular beefheart/placenta purple-red that was The Blob?! 🫀