-Helloooo community! I’m abs_solution and I’m a veterinarian student, this year I’ve decided to join a competition and I was hoping I could get some help/advice/guidance/resources or all of the above.

-Context: Like I said before I am a veterinarian, which means that in the future on top of exercising as a domestic animal physician, I have also the ability to work in the public health sector; and more precisely in the domain of sanitary and qualitatif food inspection of animal products and by-products. As for the competition It is mainly aimed for the students that study in the fields of food industry and agriculture (and not just public health safety), for the familiars it’s something along the likes of Hults prize. The competition is dissected into 4 phases in which you: Pitch, Conceptualise, Blueprint and Build your project while being mentored along the way by a “specialist” in the field of enterprise and business management. (btw The competition is limited to the country of Morocco if you are interested in more details feel free to Dm me).

-Problematic: I know I want to do a project about public health and food safety, but I dnt know what it is.

tl;dr : Need ideas for a student project based on the theme of agriculture and food safety (help with ideas resources youtube videos or whatever)