First of all, I just want this war to end. I don’t support Russia, or Ukraine. (this should not be that hot of a take but here we are) The whole sUpPoRt rUsSiA stuff is stupid, considering that Russia is yet another capitalist country that, while it is anti-USA, is just trying to be a competing bourgeois imperialist country. Russia is not “anti-imperialist”, Russia is just lesser imperialist. This is not “ultra-left”, this is the correct Marxist path. “Ultra-left” would be saying that China is capitalist. People who say that “Xi Jinping supports Russia because he talked with Putin” are also dumb because Xi Jinping talked with Zelenśkyj too, and he definitely does NOT support Ukraine. Also, there a bunch of Wagner supporters here, and do I even have to go into detail about why supporting LITERAL mercenaries is stupid? The only correct solution is to end the war immediately. Russia is not the 2nd coming of the USSR and is more akin to WW2 Britain than WW2 USSR. Putin is not another Stalin, Putin is Russian Churchill. This right-deviationist line here needs to end and Lemmygrad has to return to a principled Marxist line. Also, Pušilin is transphobic and has also given awards to literal Nazis, so supporting Pušilin over Zelenśkyj is just stupid. They both suck, and peace is the only way out.

          1 year ago

          Thats fine seeing as they have no line at all but I’m confused why asking for the line they don’t have is seen as disrespectful but wildly bad faith, unsubstantiated, claims that we as a community ''support" imperialism, mercenaries and transphobes is unworthy of attention.

          1 year ago

          Except there is no evidence that Russia represents a “lesser imperialism”, rather it’s a semi-peripheral state which has been forced by geopolitical circumstance into becoming one of the foremost anti-imperialist actors in the world. Russia is not only resisting imperialism and fascism in Ukraine, it is helping others in doing so in many parts of the world, including Syria, Africa and Latin America.

          It is true that the Russian state is, for the time being, a bourgeois state, and that it has significant reactionary tendencies as well. These are contradictions but they are secondary ones in the context of the primary global contradiction that is imperialism. Your position is the anti-Marxist one. Even socialist states have contradictions, some of them also have reactionary tendencies when it comes to certain cultural issues, is that a reason to completely denounce them like the ultra-leftists like to do?

          The presence of contradictions only means that there must be critical support. We need to look at the broader picture here. As stated in The Foundations of Leninism, even bourgeois or monarchist forces can, in certain circumstances, fulfill a progressive or even revolutionary function insofar as they serve to weaken and undermine the global system of imperialism and colonialism.

          It is also unclear what it means to just “support the working class” in the context of this conflict. What does that mean in practice? How would allowing the ultra-neoliberal Western puppet regime in Ukraine with its clear Nazi characteristics to continue to exist benefit the working class? How do you stop them from continuing to brutally murder and repress not just communists but any who are deemed an enemy of the Ukrainian nationalist project. How do you stop them from continuing their anti-Russian crusade if not with force of arms?

          Peace yes, we all want there to be peace, but on what terms? There cannot truly be peace unless the underlying issues that made this conflict inevitable are resolved, these being the presence of NATO in Eastern Europe in former Soviet Republics and former members of the Warsaw Pact (something which poses an unacceptable and existential threat to an independent Russia regardless what kind of government it has), the genocidal, Nazi worshipping Ukrainian nationalism that has taken Ukraine hostage, their fanatical hostility to anything Russian and their determination to regain their lost territories (something which is unacceptable to Russia and that if it ever becomes a serious possibility will leave Russia no other choice but to use all means at its disposal to prevent).

          The only way there can be some kind of stability and peace in the region for the time being (though of course we understand as communists that capitalism will always tend to cause wars in the longer term) - barring the complete collapse of NATO which is still a possibility if they are defeated sufficiently soundly - is for NATO to be pushed back to its 1997 borders in the course of a restructuring of the broader European security architecture, the Nazi junta in Kiev to be removed from power, and the peaceful existence and right of the people in eastern Ukraine who identify culturally more with Russia to live without being forcefully Ukrainized (according to the Banderite conception of Ukrainian national identity) to be secured, whether as a part of Russia, as independent states protected by Russia, or as part of a disarmed, federal Ukrainian state that is friendly to Russia and is no longer a Nazified and militarized puppet of the western imperialists.

          Unless those underlying issues are addressed all that a ceasefire or peace will achieve is a pause in the conflict which will inevitably break out again, meanwhile giving time for NATO to further arm and prepare its proxies for war with Russia, next time using more of Eastern Europe as their battering ram in order to achieve this since they saw that Ukraine by itself is not enough. The Baltic states and Poland are all but itching to be used by Washington in that way, and Finland and Romania are not out of the question either.

          The ultimate goal of the imperialists, by their own repeated admission - they fantasize about this all the time in public discourse, writing policy papers, drawing maps, holding conferences about it - is the dismantling or total subjugation of the Russian Federation itself. So long as they still think this goal is achievable they will not stop. How does it benefit the working class anywhere for Russia to give up the fight now? How does a victorious and strengthened US imperialism with complete domination of all of Europe benefit the working class?

          It is not the Russian bourgeois state that is the main obstacle to workers’ liberation in the world, it is US imperialism. The Russian bourgeoisie is only an obstacle to revolution in Russia itself and their position relative to the communists is not that strong, in many ways they have had to make significant concessions to the communists, including the launching of the intervention in Ukraine to defend the Donbass Republics, something which the Russian communists had been demanding since 2015.

          Of course the Russian communists will have to eventually seize power because the bourgeois state can only be pushed so far, but in the meantime any blow to the West’s financial and military hegemony, and any weakening of their neo-colonial control over any part of the world brings us one step closer to a new wave of revolutions in the global south. It also allows the existing socialist states to breathe without being constantly strangled by the imperialists. What China is doing with the BRI works in tandem with what Russia is doing with its military interventions in Syria and Ukraine and their military support to countries like Nicaragua, Venezuela, Mali, etc. to achieve precisely that, whether they know/intend it or not. They needn’t be ideologically motivated for their actions to have that effect.

            1 year ago

            I really appreciate this context comrade, and you’re correct absolutely.

            I think the reaction that we and I have here on lemmygrad is just seeing so many posts that revel in Ukronazis dying, glorifying the violence not having context or nuance like what you say, “based putin” and just making a sick joke out of it and punching down like liberals. It feels very western Marxist and it feels like it comes from the privilege of not ever having intense violence in one’s life, not ever losing a home and becoming un-housed. War is really fucked, like really fucked. It’s almost like people find it amusing or get joy from war here sometimes.

            I think it’s disingenuous to come at folks who are concerned, and may not understand the context as much as you and others, as denying critical support or being contrarian, or whatever is being said (my words not theirs), but then ignore the obvious jingoist tendencies that are being exhibited here.

            it’s right to criticize inaccurate statements like Russia is lesser imperialist, but for some reason the criticisms of the Putin fervor never come up, and are shamed if they do.