Nights and mornings are getting darker her in the northern hemi and weathers getting bad which makes it more frequent things will happen.

I totally let myself down this morning. Tesla pulled out on my after doing a u-turn in and out of a cul-de-sac and not giving way as I passed. Dudes windows were still misted up, he knew what he did because I got the usual hazard light thank-you, but I couldn’t help shout out “check next time mate”. This guy decided it would be a good idea to change direction and speed past a school to have a chat. No raised voices or any real aggro he asked if he impeded my travel I said I hit the brakes and if I had to do that then yeah mate you messed up. Informed him that we were now holding up traffic, to which they sped off.

It’s prob my worst habit on a bike, I think it stems from my time on motorbikes. It’s just never worth my time

    10 months ago

    If they end up doing anything actually illegal or malicious (like honking as they pass to intimidate you, blowing through a stop sign or red light, passing too close) , I’ll report them to the police. Not sure if it does anything or not, but I’d like to hope if the same person gets reported multiple times the police will have a chat with them.