Hello there, I know a lot of you have been eagerly awaiting some solid information on the new planets, if so this blog is for you. Get comfy because it's a long one. As you already know, there are 4 new planets in the expansion. We will take an in-depth look at each planet's terrain, challenges, processes, technologies, and new gear, but not all at once. In some cases the planet content will be split into multiple parts. To kick things off I'll cover the terrain and natural aspects of the planet that is closest to being finished. I'll need to be in games master mode for this:
It would be a cool mechanic if you had to mine ice with a mining drill, then heat it up before using it in water-based recipes. Maybe it could be done with a smelter, at the very least as an excuse to give it a fluid pipe graphic for modded recipes too. Would also be cool if you had to keep pipes heated or they’d burst — there aren’t many “maintenance” or “breakdown” mechanics like that, but it could risk being annoying especially if you’re on another planet.