This happens sporadically. I have severe OCD and Depression, and I’m uncertain if it has anything to do with my mental illness. I’ve suspected I have Dyslexia for a long time, perhaps since I was eleven years old.
I’ll read a sentence, and it just won’t fucking make sense. At all. I’m not sure as to why, I’ll keep re-reading it but it just won’t make sense whatsoever. This happens a lot when I’m reading or studying. It’ll be an immensely simple sentence, but it just won’t make sense, sometimes I’ll stop what I’m doing because it gets so goddamn frustrating.
This happens with numbers as well. I’ll look at a number say, 76. And I genuinely think it says 67. I don’t know what this is. If anybody sympathizes, I’d love to discuss it.
Have you tried using the dyslexia fonts before? I’d recommend giving one a shot and seeing if things improve.
I’m not sure it is dyslexia. I have quite decent grammar and don’t regularly make mistakes in my writing. I don’t read or write slowly either, but I do have trouble pronouncing my Rs because I don’t roll them, and I have a speech impediment as I stutter.
Hmm, well some of the things you described sounds like dyslexia, but if you don’t have frequent issues with words themselves and are more having issues with just parsing ideas and meaning from sentences that could be something different.
I’m no psychologist though, so I don’t want to try and diagnose anything beyond trying out a weighted font lol
It’s quite confusing, Isn’t it? Thank you so much for your input though! Any “diagnosis” would be incredibly helpful. I’ve been doing research as to what this could be for as long as I can remember it starting.
One last light one, have you tried going to the eye doctor? I had a similar type of issue in highschool when I didn’t have the proper glasses prescription. I could read the words, but they were hard to read and that made parts of words disappear and made it difficult to focus on the sentence as a whole.
I’ve been to the eye doctor and they said I have an astigmatism in my left eye. It’s not interfering with my day-to-day life yet, they said it’s genetic and still forming.
Oh that might actually be it then, I have a minor one and reading at any distance is really hard with it because your eyes can’t agree on what you’re seeing. Try and read with one eye closed next time and see if that helps. If it does, you definitely need glasses, lasix, or contacts to correct the astigmatism
Thank you so much for your help, I appreciate it so much! I’ll tell the ophthalmologist next time I go!
Until then definitely try switching to one eye when you’re having issues
I’ve never heard of that before, I’ll definitely try that and perhaps give an update!