This has been copied verbatim from the Reddit Announcement

Greetings, Vault Hunters of r/VaultHuntersMinecraft!

We have an important announcement regarding a recent development that impacts the ability to effectively moderate subreddits, as well as the browsing experience of numerous community members on Reddit.

In case you weren’t aware, many Reddit moderators, including ourselves, heavily rely on third-party apps for mobile moderation due to the official Reddit app lacking essential features. Additionally, several larger subreddits utilize bots to assist with moderation tasks.

Starting from July 1st, Reddit will be implementing exorbitant price increases for their API services. This change poses a significant challenge as most third-party Reddit apps and moderation bots heavily depend on this API. As a result, the developers behind these applications will be unable to afford the new costs (you can find more details in this informative post by the creator of the Apollo app, which estimates an astounding bill of 20 million USD).

These alterations not only affect Reddit moderators across the platform but also impact regular users, including the visually impaired community, who rely on third-party apps for accessing Reddit content.

For further details regarding this change and its adverse effects on third-party apps and bots, we encourage you to read this post: Link to the post discussing the change and its impact on third-party apps and bots

r/VaultHuntersMinecraft in solidarity with other participating subreddits, including r/MCPE, r/minecraftsuggestions, r/minecraftbuilds, r/MinecraftChampionship, r/MinecraftUnlimited, r/Minecraft_Survival, r/Minecraft2, r/Minecraftfarms, and r/MC_Survival will be going private on June 12th as a form of protest against these detrimental changes.

More info