Typically I use pen and paper, but I’ve been interested in a tablet or similar device for a while and am interested in what other people are using.

The reMarkable 2 seems like a really cool option to play with, but also pretty pricey for trying it out to see if it would even work well.

While it’s not directly related, when playing in games, I usually use a paper character sheet for reference, a notepad for consumables, story notes, and HP, and Pathbuilder on my phone for spells.

  • Hunter Hog@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I host and play online, so almost entirely digital tools. As a sysadmin I’m quite taken to self-hosting so right now my setup currently consists of:

    • FoundryVTT instance, with quite a few QoL and eye-candy modules (without going overboard). Hosted within a Docker container.
    • Szurubooru, an imageboard instance, used to archive, aggregate and categorize all my NPC/Item/Battlemap/Landscape art. Image hotlinks used to load the image within Foundry. Hosted within a docker container.
    • Self-made wiki for the setting (and campaign sections) aggregating all that info, similar to Kanka or WorldAnvil I guess. Can embed ingame using html in journals.
    • Trilium instance for notes, though with Foundry’s improved journals and my wiki nearing fully functional completion, I’ve found myself using it less and less. Still use it for taking notes as a player, however, unless the GM gives me a Foundry journal to write in. Hosted within a docker container.
      • Used to use OneNote. Wholeheartedly recommend Trilium for anyone looking for a note taking app. The suite of community-made plugins is rich, and there’s a few nice TTRPG ones that automate session date/number tracking, you can setup world calendar-based timelines, and there’s a nice node graph feature that’s amazing for being able to see npc/item/session/location relationships at a glance and the way in which they interconnnect. Great for TTRPG uses, and I still extremely regularly use it for taking notes regarding work.
    • Discord for game audio, though I’m looking into setting up a selfhosted Matrix instance and hosting there instead.

    Apart from that, I use Pathbuilder to scaffold my character builds, but for the final thing I build the sheet in Foundry itself as well.

    • bushvin@pathfinder.social
      11 months ago

      I wasn’t aware one would be able to run a docker instance of fvtt… Today I am less stupid!

      On a sidenote, would I be able to use fvtt just for pf2e charactersheets? My group plays offline, and I am really struggling getting a decent character sheet and manager thereof…