• Wolf Link 🐺@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    “Back in the day” I used to go to medieval fairs with friends quite often, and all of us were in full costume, from head to toe. It is a lot easier to change into those clothes at home rather than put them on when you arrive at your destination, so we already looked like a LotR troupe when we left home.

    One time on of our knights wanted to quickly get some more cash before we drove off, so he marched into the bank - in full metal plate, only missing the helmet and weapons 'cause they were in the trunk at the time. It took a while before he came back, laughing his ass off because he had to reassure the lone bank teller in there that he was NOT a lunatic trying to rob him.

    The bank got its first ATM a couple weeks later, which might or might not have been a coincidence.