Oliver McGowan was 18 years old when he was hospitalized in England with recurrent seizures and pneumonia. He was autistic, and he and his parents had one specific request for the medical team: no antipsychotic medications. When he had taken them in the past, they made his seizures worse and had devastating effects on his mood. Despite the family’s vehement protests, doctors gave him an antipsychotic. A few days later, Oliver suffered a lethal neurological side effect. A week later, he was taken off life support. An inquest into his death found that the drug had led to the rapid deterioration.

After his death in 2016, his mother, Paula, launched a campaign to mandate training on intellectual disability and autism for health care workers. In 2022, the U.K. National Health Service listened. Now, all health care workers in the NHS must complete both an online module and a live interactive session covering communication and accommodations needed for this population. The U.S. needs to follow suit, starting with medical schools.

  • calypsopub@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    A good friend of mine was put in a coma because EMTs ignored her warnings about a drug interaction. She begged them not to give her Narcan. She was not high, but suffers from an autoimmune disease that causes her speech to be slurred. Despite her being an actual pharmacist, they ignored her (and her retired nurse mother who was with her) and nearly killed her. Now she has several permanent disabilities including having to use a walker to get around.

    These people need to have their ability to practice medicine taken away.