We should not let people take advantage of the situation to back stab strikers. We should discourage this behavior, and show anyone who does this that it will not be taken kindly.

If this happens to any sub reddit you know, comment it here so we can be aware of it.

  • RemeJuan@readit.buzz
    1 year ago

    Honestly, leave them, those who are happy to be called worthless, deserve to stay on Reddit, it’s not like the CEO has been silently insulting them, he’s literally taking a press tour telling everyone who will listen just how little he thinks if he’s users.

    Whomever stays after that has absolutely no self worth and sees their entire life’s value in Reddit.

    Don’t let their meaningless existence have any impact on your life, all you would be doing is encoring them, you’d be giving them the attention they are soo desperately seeking.