I want to make a Wizard’s Tower cube dedicated to the “fallen heroes” of Modern. Essentially my idea is to create something that hearkens back to the earlyish days of modern up until maybe Eldrazi Winter or something.

I know there are many cards that used to be staples or commonly played that have become less relevant or unplayable due to the printing of better cards, meta shifts, bans, etc.

What are your favourite cards that used to be widely played and known in modern, but aren’t anymore (at least not anywhere close to what it used to be)?

I have been out of the game for several years so I expect to be surprised!

Here are some of mine, but there are so many examples I can’t think of right now:

[[Birthing Pod]] – Its namesake deck was of course iconic

[[Huntmaster of the Fells]] – Still played in Jund on occasion but there are so many other powerful creatures nowadays

[[Jund Charm]] – A strange bit of sideboard tech for Living End that was quite versatile and fun to use. Saw play in Jund as well

  • Bumbles@mtgzone.com
    1 year ago

    Birthing Pod, oof that one hits hard. It was my first modern deck.

    My favorite deck to play in was UB Fae and it has pretty much been pushed out of the format at this point. I hope it makes a comeback at some point because Bitterblossom used to be a threat and now it’s just fallen to the way side.