New around here? Want to introduce yourself? Here’s a thread! Or if that whole practice makes you want to disappear, uh…Make someone up, or introduce your pet instead!

Whatever floats your boat, and hey, if you have a boat, introduce that boat!

Oh, and before I forget (again), I’ve written a relatively brief FAQ to help folks find their way around here.

    2 years ago

    Well ok… I’m an old timer who’s been around the ‘net since the days of dialup, when FIDO and local BBSs were the Next Big Thing. I’ve always preferred to avoid corporate services, and the Late Unpleasantness on the alien site and the bird site have only made me more sure that’s the right stance.

    Other than that, I’ve been a Trekkie forever. I love sci-fi, fantasy, and the paranormal. I enjoy a good ghost story, a smooth scotch, and a vintage fountain pen. Coffee is liquid gold. Everything else is subject to change without notice.