Hello! We’ve reached 15k members (afaik we’re still the largest community on lemmy). It’s a lot for only a couple people, though there is admin support.
I’m looking for a couple people to join and help moderate. Ideally you:
- Have a history of contributions to this community
- Have been on lemmy for a reasonable* amount of time and do not plan to leave any time soon
*Genuinely not sure what constitutes reasonable, I suppose it will be case-by-case. It’s a little frightening to appoint someone who just came via the reddit migration, but I understand that 4/5 of this community are newish so it’s fine. The main hope is that you’ll stick around.
Ideally I’ll pick a few people out in the coming days. I’m also going to correspond with the admins before changes.
I’m interested! I keep finding myself here. I am admin for a small instance (wayfarershaven.eu) and am working on building up some communities. I’m enjoying Lemmy and the fediverse and want to help build that up as much as I can.
I am still pretty new here (my first account is just about two weeks) but I do work in support and believe in FOSS. At the end of the day, we’re here to share knowledge, learn from each other, and have a good time. I’m happy to roll up my sleeves and facilitate that.
Do you have a matrix?
I think time in the fediverse is needed. As an example, this account isnt very old but i had (an admittedly dormant) account for a year and have been on mastodon on various instances since 2019.
Edit: to be clear, i am not applying to the position
I shortly chatted with u/Tmpod about it. I would like to help out with this community :)
I’m interested in the moderator bot. Have you made any progress on it?
I’d love to!
Even though this account is new because it was created a few days ago with the server I’ve set up (lemmy.cat), I’ve been on Lemmy for a while and have contributed to its development (documentation and translation).
I’d love to be able to help moderate one of the most important communities, not only in terms of the number of people, but also in terms of what it represents.
Could you link your previous account?
I’m happy to help, I’ve been a reddit and FB mod for years and am doing my best to be active here.