I’ve seen this frugal concept before and I think it’s worth repeating, about “regifting” yourself stuff you already have that maybe you aren’t utilizing fully, or of giving that “gift” of a reminder about this to others.

Maybe you have a musical instrument that hasn’t been played in a while, or someone else does and a reminder to them might get them playing it again.

In seeking for “new” things we maybe forget about things we already have access to that we own or other people own.

Have you tried this idea, like of making out a list, and regifted stuff to yourself or others, and how did it turn out or how do you think it would turn out?

  • XYZinferno@lemmy.basedcount.com
    9 months ago

    Calling it regifting feels a bit strange to me, but I get why the term was chosen. Overall I do strongly support making the utmost use of everything we own. It’s a good way to save money since you won’t be constantly buying stuff as much to stave away boredom.

    In terms of others, I don’t think it needs to be anything more than just saying “Ayo you got x, you should try using it more bro”. Doesn’t have to replace some other gift, and it’s just another topic of conversation.