• kamenLady.@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      how do we know pedophilia is wrong?

      Yeah, the question alone

      Are there truly people that need a moral compass, telling them what to do?

      Isn’t a child, obviously suffering in your hands, not enough of a hint, that there’s something wrong with what you’re doing, Bob?

      • Are there truly people that need a moral compass, telling them what to do?

        Of course there are!
        I’ve had a wacko theist or two ask me why I didn’t just go on a murder spree if I didn’t believe in God, the Bible, nor hell. Like that’s a legit question for them, which is… troubling.
        Usually in the form of: “Then what’s stopping you from… (insert vile shit)”

        Idk, basic human decency, empathy.
        Basically, they were telling me that without the threat of hell, they’d just be down with killing whoever whenever if they thought there wasn’t some omnipotent cosmic watchdog handling consequences.
        And somehow I’m the godless immoral one.

    • GroundedGator@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      IDK Bob, I didn’t need to read the bible to know that diddling kids was wrong.

      Actually plenty of places in that book that support child marriage.