I am assuming image hosting will be quite difficult to scale if kbin keeps growing exponentially. Currently, I believe @ernest is taking care of hosting?

I remember IMGUR being created to aid Reddit/Redditors to host images without much hassle, but what would be the best way to tackle this for kbin? Use 3rd party hosting like imgur and the like?

Regarding posting media, there are still a few functionalities that could use some work. The video button does not seem to work, and images do not respect aspect ratio in the main kbin feeds. In my opinion clicking an image in the feed should expand it (much like Reddit Enhancement Suite allowed), or the button to expand it should be more visible.

  • dannekrose@kilioa.org
    1 year ago

    I think the most responsible way would be to expand object storage support beyond the current AWS-hosted S3 storage to support the different hosting services who offer compatible storage. There is already an issue for it and I hope it gets added relatively soon officially. (There is a patch that does seem to add it)
