hey there hexbear nd gang! it’s that time of year for the first time ever!

here we are once again approaching the end of the year according to the roman imperial calendar that we all have to use for some reason. it’s the winter holiday season in the global north, a time of great symbolic significance to many people.

and so, i want to solicit your thoughts about this community, what it means to you, how you’d like to see it evolve, changes in moderation policy, suggestions for thumbnail and banner images, or anything else related to the comm or neurodiversity in general.

or just come hang out!

i also want to invite applications for new moderators for this comm. what would you like to do as a moderator for c/neurodiversity?

personally i’ve largely been a placeholder, but i do love this community and i want to see it grow as a shared and safe space for our neurodivergent comrades to talk about ourselves and with each other. i also want to do better and want your input about what that means.

c/nd has a well behaved user base so we don’t need extra mod help for enforcement or anything like that. what i’m mainly looking for is fresh perspectives on community engagement and growth.

there is absolutely no requirement to disclose any personal information about yourself, just to make that clear. but if you’re interested in moderating this community, please contact @CARCOSA@hexbear.net, myself, and/or the other nd mods with an application.

if deadlines help motivate you, you have 3 days from the time you read this.

if deadlines harm your motivation, don’t worry about it. if an application comes in a month or two from now of course we’ll still consider it. this isn’t a job, i’m just asking for volunteers to help moderate a small internet message board.


What is your Hexbear username?

Do you have any preferred pronouns?

What are your thoughts on capitalism?

What are your thoughts on imperialism?

What are your thoughts on trans rights?

What are your thoughts on racial justice?

What are your thoughts on neurodiversity?

What do think about current and previous protests around the world?

What are your thoughts on Veganism and Animal Liberation?

Do you have any experience with other leftist online communities? What did those experiences teach you?

What is your approach to moderation, and how do you work with teams?

How do you deal with online drama and people who try to start things for the sake of it?

Do you have any ideas for c/neurodiveristy community engagement?

What is your general time availability? (amounts, common browsing times, etc)

Element information

Element is a messaging app that lets you talk to people over the Matrix protocol.

To get started, check out this link, where you can choose to either download Element for your platform or, if on a computer, open it in a browser (“Launch Element Web”).

The instructions that follow are for the desktop application and the web application, but the process is similar on all apps:

  • Press “Create Account”
  • We host our own Matrix server, so if you want you can change matrix.org to chapo.chat. This is completely optional; users who sign up with a matrix.org username can still talk to people with chapo.chat username. (Note: It is chapo.chat, not hexbear.net. Also, registrations aren’t always open on chapo.chat; if they’re not, just create an account on matrix.org)
  • Fill in a username and password
  • Hit register, and you’re done!
    • Comp4 [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      Read more books (will try 1-2 per month). Start lifting again. Meet some of my old and new friends more in 2024. Try to paint miniatures for at least 30min each day. I really started to connect more with people and do things I really wanted to do. I basically just want to do more of that.

        • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]@hexbear.net
          9 months ago

          haha i fucking wish i absolutely should have chosen a different major. i should have gone into film. political science sadly. its ridiculously easy at least, its a fake fucking major. grad school should be a challenge but that will be a nice change of pace. did my undergrad with no adhd meds but you dont really need them because classes were so easy. college was 10 times easier than highschool thank god. i still would like to be a professor one day, i would like to teach and lots of my professors have said i would be good at it. i am worried about grad school. so many things come easy to me i dont have any skills to deal with things that dont come easy.

          • context [fae/faer, fae/faer]@hexbear.netOPM
            9 months ago

            i am worried about grad school. so many things come easy to me i dont have any skills to deal with things that dont come easy.

            ah the curse of the gifted child. i found grad school depends heavily on your relationship with your advisor, pretty much everyone i’ve seen quit over the years it’s been because their advisor isn’t supportive. like so many things it’s less about how hard the work is and more about the social constructs built up around gatekeeping academic credentials.

          • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]@hexbear.net
            9 months ago

            so many things come easy to me i dont have any skills to deal with things that dont come easy.

            That was my downfall exactly. Or at least, my derailment- I took a very circuitous route to building up a life story. Yet I still often wonder how things would have turned out had I emerged from the standard college years with a graduate degree.

          • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.net
            9 months ago

            college was 10 times easier than highschool thank god.

            Exact opposite experiance for me. Coped very well with highscool. Got doing everything the night before down to a science. Made it through with solid As ans Bs with only a couple Cs, one in freshman gym of all things. Fell apart sligtly senior year as shit started to catch up with me, but mostly held if together.

            Fell apart completly in college. Too much reading, where I pathologically cannot skim. Big projects couldnt be procrastinated the way they were before. And i was halfway across the country from parental support/supervision. Coped so well in highschool without it that i had no ND safety bars, plus regious nature of the school meant they probably wouldnt have recognized it anyway. Stopped taking care of myself. Flunked 4/6 classes in two trimesters, one pass was only because of a very kind prof. No easy busywork homework to keep my grade afloat. Tests werent the type i was good at anymore, plus i couldnt handle the reading and just got internet addicted. Complete disaster.

            Got accedmically suspended. Got kicked out by mom for it, moved in with dad. Took a couple single classes that i passed, but honors Sociology 101 i only passed because my teacher was kind enough to give me an incomplete and give me a whole semesters worth of time to do the work. Signed up for a full semester of four classes and actually somehow passed everything. But got depressed over Christmas break. Started missing classes, dropped out of two of four classes. Dad kicked me out over it and i withdrew entirely. Havent been back since.

      • ReadFanon [any, any]@hexbear.net
        9 months ago

        Good luck getting Vyvanse lol.

        So if you want to know the low-down on the Vyvanse shortage it’s because Takeda, the pharma corp that previously held the patent over Vyvanse, had the patent expire early this year (Feb I think.)

        The DEA strictly controls stimulant meds and their precursors in the US.

        Takeda happens to produce Vyvanse in the US through it’s American arm.

        This time around, instead of the DEA providing its usual allocation of Vyvanse precursor entirely to Takeda (which I believe happens around every October) as has been the case since it came into manufacturing, the allocation has been divided across multiple pharmaceutical corporations who are producing generic Vyvanse as well as some going to Takeda, although significantly less than what they got this time last year.

        The only problem is that to establish manufacturing processes, stock levels, and the necessary distribution chains for a strictly controlled substance like Vyvanse isn’t easy. So essentially there’s about the same Vyvanse to go around as there was last year but due to manufacturing and supply chain issues there’s currently a global shortage.

        All of this boils down to the razor-sharp efficiency in the market as it awkwardly staggers its way through producing multiple facsimiles of already-existing manufacturing processes and supply chains that are so similar they might as well be identical.

        God bless capitalism! May the immaculate rationality of the market touch us all!

    • fanbois [he/him]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      Establish a sleep schedule. I just have to accept how important it is to everything I do.

      Work on my new relationship. It’s my first open one and I got to learn a lot of stuff about communication and acceptance.

    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      I’m considering trying to finally give up drinking since I recently learned that it’s a mask of sorts and is also absolutely not healthy, especially mentally.

      And after talking with my therapist, I might be seeking medication again for my severe depression and anxiety. I want a promise that I won’t have to jump through hoops when my SSRIs are almost out just to get more and I have developed a dependency for them because that super doesn’t fucking help with the anxiety part. Looking at you amerikkkan healthcare system.

    • AlpineSteakHouse [any]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago
      • Ditching Red meat and alcohol to start my multi-year plan on improving my diet.

      • Lose the last ~35 lbs to get to an ideal weight.

      • complete a half-marathon, start training for a full one.

    • joaomarrom [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      continue steadily taking my lithium, which has helped me immensely so far, and I also hope to go back to therapy

      continue my transition from teacher into professional woodworker

      still on that topic, I want to see how much quality furniture I can make for my apartment over the year

      start studying classical guitar again, as soon as my fingernails grow again - I broke my index fingernail in a very bad way and had to cut it all the way down to the flesh, and it’s been taking a long while to regrow

      overall no big resolutions, I just want to continue doing what has been good for me throughout this otherwise very nasty year